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It’s Another Birthday Bash Blow-Up Inside the ‘Big Brother’ House

A birthday celebration is about to occur for one of the female houseguests in the ‘Big Brother’ house but a loud argument among several other houseguests overtakes the occasion.

It’s what occurred in the summer of 2008 on ‘Big Brother 10’ when houseguests Libra, Jessie, April, Keesha, and Memphis had a lengthy shouting match — arguing and complaining about one another — as the house was about to celebrate Keesha’s birthday and share in eating her cake. The house sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Keesha in the immediate aftermath. It made for one of the most awkward and memorable moments in the series’ history.

Spoiler Alert: If you’d like to watch the Wednesday, July 18, 2018 episode and not know what has happened since the Head of Household’s nomination ceremony, please stop reading now.


Ten years later, on July 15, the house was about to celebrate the 30th birthday of Rachel. Minutes before the festivities began, in an effort to secure more votes to evict Brett, Scottie — the Head of Household and Power of Veto winner — revealed to Kaitlyn what Brett had proposed Scottie could do with the veto. Brett had suggested that Scottie could make amends with most of the house by using the veto to save him and naming Kaitlyn as a replacement nominee.

Kaitlyn then confronts Brett and Winston in the kitchen, saying “When I say to someone like ‘I have your back’ and ‘I’m your friend’, I don’t understand the smirks or what I did to deserve any of this… Aren’t we supposed to be friends?” Brett and Winston replied “yes” to which she responded, “Not friends enough.”

Later she added, “What did I do to you… to make you feel like you could throw my name out like that?” Brett said that the word around the house was she had been campaigning against him, to which Kaitlyn had scoffed (rightfully so) at that claim.

Before leaving the kitchen, Kaitlyn concluded “This is exactly why I did what I did [in nominating and helping to evict Swaggy C] last week. If someone is talking s*** about you, step into your f***ing power and stand up for yourself.” She exited to the backyard couches and sobbed for a while. Faysal and Rockstar soon came to her to comfort her, as Kaitlyn made note of the houseguests who did not follow her to the backyard to see how she’s doing.