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Josh Gad Launches New YouTube Series With ‘The Goonies’ Reunion

'Reunited Apart: The Goonies!' is now available on Josh Gad's YouTube

For the first time in over 30 years, the entire cast of 1985 theatrical “The Goonies” has reunited to raise money for “The Center for Disaster Philanthropy,” which helps some of those hit hardest by the financial impact of Covid 19. The reunion is part of a new weekly series created and hosted by Josh Gad on his newly launched YouTube channel, called “Reunited Apart.” The series will aim to reunite some of our favorite casts ever assembled, as they walk down memory lane, share many laughs and generate financial support for different charities working to alleviate the pain felt by the ongoing pandemic.

“I’ve always dreamed of being able to bring back the casts of my favorite movies of all time. All it took was everyone being forced to not leave their homes for two months and spotty wi-fi. The only possible way to launch “Reunited Apart” was to bring back the cast of my favorite childhood film, “The Goonies,” says Gad. “I am honored they all answered the call, even if each of them was promised an exclusive video of me doing the Truffle Shuffle. We all need a smile and pure joy right now and I cannot think of a more joyous event then bringing together this incredible group of people!”

“Reunited Apart: The Goonies!” is now available on Josh Gad’s YouTube.