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Level Up Your SEO Game Using These 10 WordPress Plugins

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If you own a website, your priority will probably be spending hours and hours maintaining your website. What measures have you taken to make sure that your WordPress blog is helpful for SEs?

Even if you’ve taken some steps, there’s still some room for improvements for you to make your website SEO-friendly for search engines.  WordPress is a popular content management Software as practiced by KWD SEO NZ for search engine optimization. WordPress offers thousands of plugins, but a few of them can take your website to the next level.

Here we will walk you through 10 WordPress plugins that will definitely help take your website to the next level.

Yoast SEO

This plugin has more than 2000 reviews with a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. Yoast SEO will prove to be a valuable asset for your website by helping you create quality content and optimize your website.

The plugin comes with many features such as a page analysis tool, technical WordPress SEO and XML sitemap. It helps improve your technical SEO by managing many technical things in the backdrop. You can improve your content SEO by setting a key phrase that will optimize your content to rank with this key phrase.

Furthermore, its readability option enables you to improve the readability of your content by giving a response that you can easily integrate into your own writing technique. This plugin has more than 2000 reviews with a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. Yoast will prove to be a valuable asset for your website by helping you create quality content and optimize your website.

The plugin comes with many features such as a page analysis tool, technical WordPress SEO and XML sitemap.

As far as page analysis is concerned, you need to know precisely what you’re doing. The plugin always keeps you on the right track. For instance, Yoast SEO can instantly scan any webpage for images, ensuring that each one has an alt tag that coordinates with the main keyword for the post. It also enables you to check your content for length and verify whether your meta description is up to the mark. When you throw a glance at this, it’s simple to see whether you have done right or wrong.

It has a user-friendly interface and a handy little grading method on posts and pages that will alert you about optimization-related issues. If a green checkmark is missing from a specific line, you can resolve the issue before posting– for instance, going back to your meta description to get a tweak or two.

All in One SEO Pack

If you are not happy with Yoast SEO, we advise you to give “All in One SEO Pack” a try. It is the most detailed WordPress SEO plugin in the online world. Since its launch in 2007, AIOSEO has been offering web admins simple solution to many complex SEO related problems. Over 2 million website owners practice AIOSEO to set up WordPress SEO accurately, so their websites get top position in search engines.

With this plugin, you don’t need to recruit an SEO expert to install or set up WordPress SEO properly. The plugin lets you enhance your website’s SEO rankings and discover new growth opportunities within 10 minutes. Thanks to its advanced and approachable features, AIOSEO gives a user-friendly experience.

AIOSEO’s plugin traits are profoundly optimized search engine algorithms because it treads on the heels of the most up to date SEO patterns. It permits you to join as many business locations, opening hours, contact info as possible. It is suitable for WooCommerce SEO. With this, you can optimise your product pages and product sections for improved SEO rankings. It makes XML Sitemap and Google Analytics support easy. It enables you to optimise titles for all SEs Automatically. It generated automatic meta tags.

It is also helpful in bypassing duplicate content that can have a negative influence on SEs rankings. Hence, AIOSEO provides you with as much or as little control as you need.

Google XML Sitemaps

You can generate a sitemap automatically with the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. It also makes it easier for Google to index your website. When you build a sitemap and are happy with the settings, you don’t need to make any changes. Instead, the plugin prepares everything for you, updating your sitemap after each new piece of content you post.

You can use this plugin to significantly improve SEO to produce special XML sitemaps, which will help search engines to index your website more effectively. Having this sitemap will be a piece of cake for the crawlers to see the comprehensive structure of your website and recover it more productively. The plugin can support all sorts of WordPress-made pages as well as custom URLs. Besides, it alerts all leading search engines every time you publish a blog about the new content.

It will also provide a full XML sitemap for Google.

Broken Link Checker

The plugin examines and monitors all internal and external links on your website, scanning for broken links. It allows you to recover wrong links to enhance SEO and user experience. The plugin acts as a watchdog and keeps a vigilant eye on your blog or website, alerting you of any broken links. This enables you to concentrate on what you do best, such as producing content, while never fretting about broken links. The plugin immediately identifies any link that doesn’t run. This allows you to block search engines from following broken links.

It also enables you to scrutinize and refine links by URL, anchor text and so on.

Google Analytics by MonsterInsights

Visitors matter, so do the statistics. You can easily boost your traffic and sales once you know how visitors find and use your website. MonsterInsights lets you view the stats that matter so you can make your business flourish. It is one of the most famous Google Analytics plugins for WordPress. The plugin accurately connects your WordPress site with Google Analytics, so you can start making rational decisions based on the data it provides to boost your sales. It comes with a tracking feature that reveals actionable analytics charts right inside your WordPress dashboard.

The main advantage of Google Analytics by MonsterInsights is its capacity to analyse your Analytics data from your WordPress dashboard. You don’t need to go back and forth between your website and Google Analytics. Rather, everything will be at your command.

It has surpassed over 11 million downloads. You can easily install it and access data within your WordPress site. Through this plugin, you can keep track of internal and outbound links. It gives you access to explore users’ demographic and interest reports.


Elementor is one of the best ways to build a WordPress website. It lets you manage every aspect of your web design workflow from one spot. Through this plugin, you can create websites that load faster and speed up the process of developing them.

For example, if you go to any website and click edit with Elementor. It takes you into the website builder, and then from here, and you have all of these different options for layouts, plugins, columns and how things are formatted. It also includes sections like images, videos, buttons. It offers a drag and drop option as well.

Elementor has so many default plugins out of the box, like you can add galleries, carousels and you can do all these different things that quite literally are drag and drop.

Manage WP Worker

It is a dashboard that helps you save time and distress by automating your workflow. It is swift, protected and available for a large number of websites. It keeps everything in one place and in order.

This plugin is a game-changer, so this is a product that GoDaddy actually built. This company allows you to manage multiple WordPress installs from one central dashboard.

The great thing about this plugin is it’s free of cost and does monthly backups, and it remembers all the passwords for you, so you don’t have to ever log into another WordPress website ever again with a username and a password. With one click, it will update all of the plugins for you. But you have to be watchful with this, too, because sometimes blindly updating WordPress plugins can break things. So you should click update and wait a couple of minutes, then you need to check the website. In the end, click through a couple of pages to make sure that everything’s working, and then you’re done.

We recommend you do this once a month or so on average. You should update all the plugins and check everything. Without this plugin, it would take so much longer to do everything, so we highly recommend this plugin to you.

Anti-spam Bee

Now you can bid farewell to spams on your WordPress blog or website. Antispam Bee prevents spam remarks and trackbacks efficiently, without captchas and without giving personal information to third party services. If you’ve got a WordPress website, you know without a doubt that you just get plagued with tons of spam. If you’ve got a contact form, you’re going to get thousands of spam emails. If you have open comments that are just available for anyone to comment on; you’re going to get a bazillion spam comments as well.

So all you need to do is to install Anti-spam Bee, and you don’t even really have to configure it. Just click activate, and then it’ll cut down significantly on the amount of spam that you get.

Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan

Wordfence contains an endpoint firewall and malware scanner that was made to guard WordPress. It is one of the most impressive WordPress security solutions available in the online world. WordPress has so many vulnerabilities and hacks, but you cannot be hacked while using this plugin. It does brute force attack and whitelisting. It does so many different things that protect your website. Hence, you will never be hacked as long as you are using this plugin. But if you don’t install, then there’s a chance you might get hacked pretty regularly.
Its web application firewall recognizes and prevents malicious traffic.

If you get its premium version, it will offer you a real-time IP blocklist that will stop malicious IPs while shielding your website. This also helps reducing load as well.

Last but not least, it protects you from brute force attacks by restricting login tries.

UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin

UpdraftPlus makes backups and recovery easy and smooth. Through this plugin, you can backup your data and files backups into the cloud and recover with just a click. The plugin has a ton of installations and great reviews. The reason we recommend this to you because it’s automated and effortless. Through this plugin, you can back up to multiple sources so you can back up to an Amazon S3 bucket, you can back up to a google drive, back up to FTP or SFTP webs site. You can customize it to your heart’s content, and you can do daily weekly and monthly backups.

If you use the Manage WP Worker that we mentioned earlier, they do backups, but they only do it every month; it’s free, which is excellent, but they only do it once per month. Whereas this plugin is concerned, you can configure it as frequently as you need.

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