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Memorization Techniques for CBSE Exams

Many students find CBSE exam preparation difficult, but if one studies hard and prepares properly, one will be able to perform well. During the student years, the capacity to efficiently absorb knowledge, learn, and remember techniques is an important factor in deciding success in examinations. 

One of the most common anxieties that students have while entering the exam room is that they would forget everything at the last minute. There are a variety of memory tricks that can be used to recall information.

This blog will discuss memorization techniques that students taking  CBSE class 10 exam / CBSE class 12 exam can use to perform better in the board examination.

1. Method of Loci

The loci method is a technique for memory enhancement that involves visualizing familiar spatial locations in order to improve the process of recalling the information. Other common names for the method of Loci are the memory journey and memory palace. By retracing the same route during the imagined journey, the material can be recalled in a certain order. This can help you memorize a list of words, geographical locations, etc.

2. Acronyms and Acrostic

Acronyms are made by combining the first letters of a set of words to make a new, readily remembered word. When trying to memorize words or items in a precise order, this strategy comes in handy. SMART Goals, for example, is a well-known acronym. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time. Acronyms don’t have to be specific words, but they must be pronounceable.

The first letter, syllable, or word of each line/paragraph, or other recurring characteristic in the text spells out a word or message. To improve memory retrieval, an acrostic can be employed as a mnemonic device. One of the most common examples for this technique, which many of you might have used in childhood, is learning the names of 8 planets in the right order. My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.)

3. Image-Name Association 

When you need to remember the names of certain people, this association technique helps a lot. It works on the premise of associating a person’s name with physical characteristics. For that you may sometimes have to Google the person. This needs practice, and you can start writing with information about the person as a first step.

Example- Shirley Temple – Her curly (rhymes with Shirley) hair around her temples.

4. Repetition

If you learn better by listening, i.e., if you are an auditory learner, you can use audio books, videos, etc to learn better. Also, you can record your own voice and listen to that audio when you are trying to learn something from it.

If you learn better by doing, i.e., if you are a kinesthetic learner, you can draw diagrams, flow charts, etc. or even write down things and practice.

If you learn better by seeing, i.e., if you are a visual learner, you can watch videos, or even visualize and employ techniques like method of loci.

There are certain things which could be learned easily by reading them several times.

You can use more than one way of learning, depending on the subject matter to be studied.

5. Group Study

There are various advantages to studying in a group. It can assist you in coming up with innovative ways to improve your learning experience. You may talk about new ideas, communicate with your peers, and make learning fun.

 Short role plays can also be beneficial since they provide enjoyable moments that can later help in retrieving and recalling. You can teach or explain things to each other this will ensure that they comprehend and retain concepts.

6. Make some creative notes.

Use a variety of coloured pens when taking notes. Select one colour for questions, another colour for answers, and a third pen for highlighting key points. Making notes in a creative way will assist you in recalling information quickly. 

Using mind mapping to visually organise information and creating flash cards, flow charts, and drawing diagrams can help you remember key concepts, historical events, definitions, formulae and other important information.

7. Learn by relating the answers to real-life scenarios.

It gets easier to create connections when you relate your answers or concepts to real life, and it is also a really creative approach to do so, so you will like it. This strategy is particularly useful because everyday life examples are not difficult to recall, and anything learnt in a fun way is easily and quickly recalled.

8. Meditation 

Meditation is often regarded as one of the most effective methods for assisting students in concentrating and improving memory. It will also help them relax during exams and boost their overall health.

Completing the entire syllabus, especially for your CBSE board exams, may appear to be a challenging task, but it is doable if one is well-equipped with systematic study methods and follows a few tips that will help them work smarter, not harder.

Memorization makes information more accessible for deeper learning and helps in making connections to new information. Students must overcome stress in order to improve their memory. They must avoid studying for lengthy periods of time and instead take breaks, relax, eat healthy food, and get enough sleep. Outside of the exam hall, cramming material into your mind can only cause you tension so on the day of examination take some time to collect your thoughts, and simply relax and concentrate on performing well on the exam.