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Over 17-Million Viewers Watch ‘Game of Thrones’ Season-Opener

A Record High for the Medieval Drama

The final season premiere of HBO drama “Game of Thrones” was seen by a record 17.4 million viewers on Sunday, April 14, according to the cable network. This includes all HBO platforms — linear, HBOGO and HBO NOW. And it exceeds the prior high of 16.9 million for the season seven finale.

The 9 p.m. debut airing of the premiere was viewed by 11.8 million viewers, surpassing the season seven premiere of 10.1 million viewers (and slightly below the season seven finale of 12.1 million viewers).

On social media, Sunday’s premiere was also the most-tweeted-about episode of the show ever, with more than 5 million Tweets, and 11 million mentions throughout the course of the weekend, HBO said in a statement.