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Progressive Web App Development

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Progressive web applications, what they are and which ones you should start using on your mobile phone 2021Perhaps, in recent months you can see in more than one place the name “Progressive Web Applications” or PWA, for an acronym in English. Progressive web application development has emerged as a popular trend in web development. Businesses can leverage Progressive Web Apps (PWA) to deliver a phenomenal user experience across a variety of devices

The truth is that many people don’t give due importance to this technology, and there are some users who, despite knowing the advantages they offer, have decided to make the leap from a conventional app to its type of app .For this reason, today we would like to explain in detail what this type of app is and why you should start using it on your Android smart phone now, in addition to giving you several options for replacing the “lifelong” app.

What is a Progressive Web Application?

By that time there are many software development company already explained the types of application development techniques, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. However, as the sector is constantly evolving, only a few months later a new type of application emerged, the progressive web application that we are talking about today. This type of web -based application leverages the latest technology available in roaming, to offer the most complete experience, with an interface and some functionality that is very few to envy native applications.

This is in addition to the typically higher performance thanks to the fact that they are able to consume fewer resources, and in many cases, it is possible to work with them without the need for an Internet connection. They also take up little space, so using this type of app is one of the best ways to free up space on Android. Of course, this type of app is capable of sending push notifications to users, as well as appearing on the main screen of the device as if it were a “normal” app. This way, when using progressive web app development, you will get some benefits if we compare it to conventional apps that we have all installed. Among them, we find the following:

  • Higher performance. Almost loading content content.
  • Less resource consumption – storage, RAM, etc. -.
  • Lack of work and need for investment when developing it.
  • Applications that you can already replace with your PWA

To this day, progressive web applications are already quite widespread, and there are web pages like pwa. Now a day’s software development company has emerged as a popular trend in web development. Businesses can leverage Progressive Web Apps (PWA) to deliver a phenomenal user experience across a variety of devices rocks, which allow you to see a list of PWAs that are currently available.

Next, we’ll look at a few of them, which at the moment can really replace apps that all, or almost all, we’ve installed on our cell phone resources that aren’t necessary. To be able to use it, it will be enough to access the link we provide from a mobile browser, and send direct access to the main screen, 

  • Ali Express

The Asian online shopping giant decided to join the fashion of progressive web applications some time ago, and today it is one of the most complete PWAs we can use in terms of its functionality. Most importantly, without any doubt, this variant requires a smaller size than the original version.

  • Telegram

The popular rival What’s App messaging service also has this type of usage. Its operation is very little envious of the native app, and it has all the options we need when talking to our contacts.

  • Flip-board

If you want to be informed, Flip-board is one of the best tools available … and even more now, it has a very complete progressive web application that allows us to discover new news that consumes a small amount of resources.

  • Twitter

We cannot forget one of the most popular social networks, which just a few weeks ago introduced its version of Liten, in the form of a progressive web application intended, above all, for terminals with limited resources.

  • Scan QR Code

It doesn’t hurt to have a QR code scanner on hand, plus if we can avoid installing the whole app better, right?

Not much can explain how this PWA works. Just show the code, and it will automatically become rare and identifiable. The well -known – and addictive – puzzle game also has variants that use this technology. While the original application didn’t use an excessive amount of resources, this is a good way to see what can be achieved with progressive web application technology.

Conclusion and future work

To create a good PWA, you need to understand the development trends of PWA. We discuss the 5 best PWA development trends that are bustling in the market today and will remain so in 2021. You can take advantage of one of these trends to create powerful Progressive Web Apps for your business.