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‘SNL’: Kate McKinnon Reacts to Florida ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill

During “Weekend Update” on the March 5, 2022 edition of NBC’s “SNL” (“Saturday Night Live“), Kate McKinnon guest appeared to provide her reaction to the “Don’t Say Gay” bill recently passed in Florida.

McKinnon initially approved of its passage, referring to what she recalled from her youth where kids described an odd or negative thing as “gay.” Anchor Colin Jost clarified the bill’s contents to her — limiting how the LGBTQ community is discussed in public school classrooms and allowing parents to sue school districts if students are encouraged to have discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity.

She — who is openly gay herself — then gave her real reaction, concluding it with “if the 90’s were right, and ‘gay’ means ‘bad,’ then this is the gayest law I have ever seen.”

Watch Kate McKinnon on Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill from “Weekend Update” on “SNL” in its entirety below: