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Stream Energy’s Top Tips for Making Your Home Energy Efficient

Is your energy bill out of control, or are you looking to help preserve the environment in a new way? You can do both by using Stream Energy’s top tips for making your home energy efficient. Read on to learn the easiest steps that you can take to make your home more energy efficient, save money, and help the environment.

Phantom Drain

Do you have any energy vampires in your home? Energy vampires are electronics that are continually plugged in after being fully charged. When plugged in, every electronic continues to suck electricity. It may be a tiny amount, but that adds up quickly over time. Think about all the electronics you never unplug in your home, such as your TV, game consoles, stereo, computer, printer, speakers, microwave, treadmill, chargers, and more. A plugged in but unused entertainment system alone can suck $130 a year in electricity. Stream Energy suggests that the best way to combat that is to place your electronics on power strips and make sure to shut it off when you have finished using it.

Light Bulbs

People always talk about light bulbs, and there is a reason for that. The type of light bulb that you use can make a big difference in your energy consumption and home costs. Many people can get scared off by investing in LED light bulbs, but Stream Energy has provided an excellent example of why that investment is worthwhile.

For our example, let’s take two light bulbs. The first light bulb is your standard, incandescent light bulb that costs $1.25 per bulb. The second light bulb is an energy-saving LED light bulb that is $23 a bulb. The cheap incandescent light bulb is only going to last about 1,200 hours, whereas the LED light bulb is going to last around 50,000 hours. That means that you will have to purchase 42 incandescent light bulbs for every one LED light bulb. That means that you will spend $52.50 on incandescent light bulbs, which is over double what you would pay for the one LED light bulb. Taking it to the next level, LED light bulbs are much more efficient. Over those 50,000 hours, they will use $55.00 worth of electricity, whereas the incandescent light bulb will use $330. Multiply that by 25 bulbs (which is a small house) and those LED light bulbs will end up saving you $7,600 in their 50,000-hour lifespan. Does the investment seem worth it now?

Smart Thermostat

Stream Energy highly recommends using smart thermostats in your home. You can set your smart thermostat to your schedule. Keep it at a comfortable temperature while you are at home, then drop or raise (depending on the season) it 10 to 15 degrees while you are away. There is no point in heating or conditioning an empty house. Have it set to start returning to your comfortable temperature about an hour before you head home; that way, you will return to a comfy house even though you were energy efficient all day while you were away.


You would be surprised how much energy can escape your home through leaks around windows and doors. Whether you are trying to keep warm or cold air in, you can seal the leaks to save on energy. Stream Energy recommends using silicone caulk around windows and weather stripping around doors.

Use the Dishwasher

There is an old myth that says that washing the dishes by hand saves more energy and water than using the dishwasher. That myth is false. Dishwashers today are designed to be as conservative as possible, and it is unlikely that you would be able to use fewer resources when washing by hand. However, if you are running the dishwasher when it isn’t full, it would be more wasteful. So, make sure to pack your dishwasher and only hand wash the dishes that have special requirements.

Cover Windows

You would be surprised at how much heat can be lost through your window panes. When the weather is chilly, make sure to close your curtains at night to keep the cold from seeping into your home. Using thick drapes during winter will provide the best coverage.

Ceiling Fans

Did you know that your ceiling fan can switch directions? During the winter, you can reverse your ceiling fan so that it pushes the warm air down and back into the house. This will help keep your home warmer and more energy efficient. During the summer, make sure to switch it back so it can push all the hot air away. This, too, will save you electricity, so you aren’t working that air conditioner quite so hard.

Bundle Up

If you would like to be energy efficient and save money during the winter, don’t crank the heat up so high that you are walking around in shorts and a t-shirt. During the winter, bundle up. Put on a sweatshirt, warm pants, fuzzy socks, and fun slippers while you are at home so that you can decrease the temperature in your house. Those extra few degrees can make a difference in the long run, and you can enjoy winter for what it is meant to be.

Shorter Showers

Everyone warns against taking long showers. It is a waste of water, electricity, and money. For every minute that you cut off of your shower, you are conserving over two gallons of water while giving your water heater a break. If you can swing it, shave a few minutes off of your shower time.

Switch to Stream Energy

Would you like an energy company that puts your best interests and the best interests of the environment first? Stream Energy is a company that provides electricity and natural gas services with both of those ideals in mind. The company proudly serves customers in Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Delaware, Ohio, and Washington, D.C., with excellent service and a variety of programs. You can take advantage of its Eco+ or Green and Clean plans that not only help you be more energy efficient but also give back to the environment by offsetting your carbon footprint. Switch to Stream Energy, and make a difference in your life, home, and planet today.