Netflix has announced its first original African animated series…”Mama K’s Team 4.” The series is produced by South Africa based studio, Triggerfish Animation, and London based kids and family entertainment specialist, CAKE. The logline: “Mama K’s Team 4” follows four teenage girls living in a futuristic version of Lusaka, Zambia’s capital city. The girls are recruited […]
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Netflix has ordered a half-hour limited comedy series, still untitled, produced by and starring Mike Myers, in which he plays multiple characters. Six episodes have been ordered, and the executive producers are Myers, John Lyons and Jason Weinberg. No other specifics, including premiere date, were revealed by the digital streamer. Recently, Mike Myers appeared in […]
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It is impossible to look at the modern shape of media without taking notice of the world of streaming. From humble beginnings, these services have maintained an upward trajectory for years now, with little sign of slowing down. So, what is it that makes this such a desirable choice over the big three of TV, […]
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NBC Renews ‘Good Girls’ for Season 3
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NBC has opted for a third season of one-hour dramedy “Good Girls” based on its streaming interest on Netflix. Last year, “Good Girls” became the first series on a Big 4 broadcast networks to land a pact under Netflix’s co-licensing model where the streaming giant pays a significant fee for distributing a show outside of […]
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Netflix has greenlit a half-hour animated comedy called “Q-Force,” which follows handsome secret agent and his team of fellow LGBTQ super spies. The series is produced by Universal Television in association with Hazy Mills, Fremulon and 3 Arts Entertainment, and it comes from Sean Hayes (“Will & Grace”), Mike Schur and Gabe Liedman (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”). The logline: […]
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Netflix has greenlit dramedy “After Life” for a second season, with an order for six new episodes in 2020. The series centers around Tony (Ricky Gervais), who seemingly had a perfect life. But after his wife Lisa dies, Tony changes. After contemplating taking his own life, he decides instead to live long enough to punish […]
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While nothing is officially confirmed…yet, we know the upcoming “Breaking Bad” movie is happening and the spotlight is expected to be on everyone’s favorite meth chef, Jesse Pinkman. Played by Aaron Paul, the last time we saw Jesse he was disappearing into the dark of the desert. As one fan, Steven Hyden, wrote on Uproxx […]
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Netflix has ordered 10 one-hour episodes of a second season of drama “The Umbrella Academy.” The cast set to reprise their roles include Ellen Page, Tom Hopper, David Castañeda, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Robert Sheehan, Aidan Gallagher, and Justin Min. The logline: On the same day in 1989, forty-three infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women […]
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Tiffany Haddish will introduce six of her favorite comedians to Netflix members around the world in “Tiffany Haddish Presents: They Ready,” which is a collection half-hour stand-up specials. The series will be executive produced by Haddish alongside Wanda Sykes and Page Hurwitz The logline: All six comedians were personally chosen by Haddish. She shares a history with each […]