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The Most Important New Features to Look Out for in Gaming

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Gaming is an industry that moves quickly, using new types of technology to offer an experience that moves with the times and keeps players engaged. The following are some of the latest changes that are well worth keeping an eye out for.

The idea of using gestures to control our devices and to play games been around for a long time. Back in 2012, delegates at the SIGGRAPH conference covering the future of interactive technologies suggested that gesture control would be commonplace in gaming in ten years’ time. Yet, almost a decade has passed since then and gesture control hasn’t yet entered the mainstream.

There is hope, though, with this report giving details of several different games in development that use AI to allow the players to control the action with gestures as they play. Google’s Project Soli is another important piece of work in this field, as it uses a mixture of hi-tech sensors and data analysis techniques to bring a form of gesture control to mobile devices. The technology for this type of game exists and we can probably expect a high-profile gesture control game soon.

Live Streaming Has Gone Mainstream

Unlike the other types of technology we are looking at, live streaming has already reached the mainstream and has had a huge impact on how we play games. One example of how this works comes from the Xbox Series X, which allows players to stream directly to Twitch. Google Stadia has also introduced games streaming to more people, with the tech giant’s recent move to reduce their cut of earnings to 15% hopefully helping to attract more developers to the platform.

The concept of live streaming has also arrived in online casino games at sites like Mr Green. This casino provides live versions of classic games such as blackjack, baccarat, and roulette. The games work through the live streaming of a human dealer onto the players’ screen as they carry out their duties like dealing and spinning the wheel. This gives it the genuine feel and exciting atmosphere of a land casino.  

Facial Recognition Offers Great Possibilities

This is another type of technology that offers a lot of potential for making games more enjoyable and interactive. Imagine being able to scan your own face so that the character you control on the screen looks exactly like you. This could be a clever way of personalizing games and also of letting you see realistic versions of the friends you play against.

The Chinese games company Tencent has already started to use facial recognition technology to ensure that players stick to the country’s so-called gaming curfews at certain times of the night. It seems likely that the next piece of progress we see in this area is an expansion of the model that uses deep learning to allow us to log into games or sites using our faces, but it could do a lot more than that in the future.

These are just a few of the top advances in gaming technology to look out for in the next few years. They could help to make the gaming experience completely different before too long.