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Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Academic Performance

The question of how to improve academic performance is relevant to every student. High loads, the constant need to study a lot of material make you think about how to rearrange your schedule and optimize the learning process to make it as productive as possible. Today we’ll share with you 5 helpful tips to improve your academic performance to help you learn faster, be less fatigued, and improve your academic success.

The right daily routine is the key to success

First of all, pay attention to your daily routine. If you don’t get enough sleep and feel sluggish throughout the day, there is no point in talking about academic success. The overworked brain does not perceive the necessary information, and it is poorly remembered. Besides, sleepiness contributes to unproductive work with the study material and your motivation disappears.

How to change the daily routine to make learning easier:

  • Always get enough sleep. Scientists continue to argue about the optimal length of sleep: some say 5-6 hours, others say at least 8. In reality, the length of sleep is individual, but you must fall asleep and get up at the same time every day.
  • Take a daytime rest, allocate at least an hour and a half for it. Scientists have concluded that an hour and a half is the optimal duration of a day’s rest, taking into account the phases of slow and fast sleep, the body has time to recover and after waking up there is no feeling of fatigue.
  • Take into account biorhythms. Do not postpone your studies until late evening. After 6 hours the productivity of the brain decreases, and after 8-9 intensive study harms the body and causes excessive stress. If you have too much homework, we advise you to save health and seek help from a coursework writing service.
  • Take a break every 45-60 minutes. Our brain is not capable of concentrating for more than an hour. So if you read textbooks or prepare for an exam for too long without breaks, your productivity gradually decreases and it becomes harder to remember information. To avoid this, break your mind for 5-10 minutes, do a little warm-up, and eat a snack.

  • Eat Regularly

Good nutrition is essential for maintaining the health of the entire body and the brain in particular. Researchers noticed that some foods significantly increase the activity of the brain, and after eating them it is easier to absorb and remember information.

Such foods include:

    • Nuts, especially walnuts, which contain B vitamins
    • Garlic, which activates blood circulation
    • Milk is a source of vitamin B12, which is essential for good memory
    • Honey and dried fruit provide the brain with valuable glucose
  • Iodine-rich seaweed

Always take notes during lectures.

Always take notes during lectures and do it in class. Notes are your reference material for further study of the topic. The notes will help you to restore in memory the forgotten moments, as well as be useful for preparing for the seminar and the exam.  

It is worth noting that writing down information contributes to better memorization. When taking notes, along with auditory and visual perception of information, another channel is connected – the kinetic one.

Take notes from the first day of class, don’t skip them in the hope of “catching up later”. Work with your notes regularly: when preparing for each next seminar, review not only the last lecture but also the previous one. This will help you remember information better and keep it in your memory longer.


Use special techniques and methods of memorizing information

Memorizing information monotonically is not the best way to prepare for an exam or a unit test. Use some effective and proven memory techniques:

  • Study information in small blocks. If you have several days or weeks to prepare, we advise you to divide the whole amount of information into equal parts, during the day you can also divide the material into separate blocks. Study them one by one, going to the next one after you have mastered the previous one.
  • Go back to what you’ve learned 2-3 times. Specialists believe that it is better to refresh your memory after 6 hours of study, and then again after 24 hours.
  • Use mnemonics, think of associations. This technique is especially effective when you need to remember some terms, formulas, short blocks of data.
  • Put brightly colored stickers in visible places. Write dates, formulas, new foreign words, and terms on them. Leave them everywhere you look regularly – near the computer, on the door, on the refrigerator, etc. 

Develop self-control and discipline

Discipline and the ability to make yourself work will help you not only at university but also in your future career. Successful people control themselves, the way they act, and their emotions. Follow the schedule and study every day, focus on one task at a time. In case you still have problems with it – you can apply to an assignment writing service that will provide professional help. Try not to be distracted by social networks and the Internet – use special applications that temporarily block access to the network. Turn off all the reminders and alerts on your cell phone. Explain to your parents, friends, boyfriend or girlfriend that you can get in touch with them later.