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Top Ways To Save Money This Summer And Avoid Loans

Don`t know how to save money and at the same time avoid loans this summer? Don’t know how to escape from big expenses, as prices increase and travel becomes much more expensive? Are you afraid to get into debt? 

Do you want to spend this summer without the rutting phrases such as ‘we have no money’, ‘where to get guaranteed $300 loan’, or ‘we need to ask Michael for money to go on vacation, I’ll pay him back later’? Have you ever faced these issues? Surely. So, keep reading!

It is clear, that summer season brings so much happiness and everyone eagerly waits for it to come. People get a chance to enjoy the sun and its heat. However, mostly only children really do that, because adults understand what costs summer brings and what blow it can inflict on the family budget.

The majority of Americans expect to spend much more money this summer than they did in 2021.

Summer Life Hacks to Save Your Money

1. Free Gym

Are you a sports lover? Maybe, you always plan to visit a gym and go every weekend there. Probably, your dietician advised you to go to the fitness center and lose weight. Perhaps, you just need to keep fit and, for this reason, want to be a member of a health club? But, sports halls are pretty expensive enjoyment or ‘enjoyment’.

Summer is a great time to get outside in the early mornings, late afternoons, or even at nights, because of the sun, which is out longer and hotter than ever. It means that the temperature is good from morning till next sunrise. Precisely, afternoon and night-time is much better for training than other daytime.

So, you save an incredible amount of money. Getting outside is healthier than being in a closed room with iron. Additionally, you will charge with energy for the whole day!

2. Sun VS Dryer

Instead of throwing clothes into the dryer after washing, hang them outside to dry and save on electricity expenses.

3. Two Cigarettes

 It`s necessary to consider issues about adjusting your habits such as smoking. For example, if you buy a pack of cigarettes, the average cost of a pack of cigarettes is $6.28, which means that a pack-a-day habit takes away from you $188 monthly or $2,292 annually. 

There are ways to reduce or eliminate spending. If you`ll deny yourself a pair of cigarettes every day, you`ll be able to save money and it can be a good emergency fund, that`ll help you to avoid credits or loans one day!

 4. Discounts

Summer is a traveling season, therefore, vacation prices rising. Hotels, airlines, sanatoriums and tourist hot spots are doing all they can to try to seek out summer travelers, because of the season. So, you should take any opportunity which you will definitely encounter in order to save money.

5. Do the Laundry In Cold Water

What? Cold water? Right, cold water! The U.S. Department of Energy says two ways to cut down on the amount of energy your home eats up. They are using less water, or using a cooler water temperature. They`ll still get clean. For example, the cleaning brand Tide encourages Americans to do their laundry in cold water to save the planet and some money.

Nowadays, a lot of people in North America do their laundry with cold water. This life hack cut down on the power consumption needed to heat the water. Just one turn on the washer from hot to warm will cut each load’s energy use in half!

6. Biking Is Free of Charge

Despite being free of charge, biking is a form of environmentally friendly transportation and it is a big plus nowadays. In addition, biking has been shown to make people happier and healthier. Here are some advantages and health benefits of cycling:

  • saves your time,
  • cycling can help lose weight,
  • cycling cuts heart disease,
  • decreased stress and, also, reduced anxiety,
  • makes you brainier,
  •  helps you sleep better.

7. Saving Money Does Not Mean That You Never Leave Home!

Keep track of your local newspaper, weekly magazines or town website for searching free events. Don`t forget that high-cost cities offer complimentary goings-on: from music, theatre, and sport festivals to art shows, free exhibitions and many other special things. To sum up, you can entertain yourself without spending money!

8. Food And Drink

 We don’t have to spend tremendous amounts of money on meals. Some life hacks for you:

  • Make a grocery list and stick to it.
  • Bring a snack with you to work.
  • Skip the brand names and buy generic. 
  • Make drinks at home instead of going to the bar.
  • Make coffee at home, it will save you more money than you consider.
  • Grow your own delicious veggies. It can turn into your own special hobby and you can also earn on this, make your small shop or just offer veggies, berries etc. to your neighbors.

8. Library – More Than Borrowing Books

Besides borrowing books library allows you:

  • Free AC,
  • Watch movies for free,
  • Many interesting activities (depends on the type of the library), for instance, speaking clubs, meetings with authors of books, poets, who will present you their own poetries, etc.

Furthermore, libraries can be a perfect way to catch a break and escape from the heat of the sun because, in fact, they are always so cold. Surely, you can find a good book to read or a movie to watch.

9. Enjoy Your Time Cooking Outside

Using the stove or baking in the oven can create a lot of electricity expenses. Think about making your dinner outside using a barbecue, grill or even bonfire. A big plus of cooking outside your home is that it turns into a fun picnic, so you can spend your time with family, as well as hang out with friends enjoying nature and keeping in your imaginary pocket with your saved money!

10. Test Yourself

Challenge yourself, for instance:

  • Make meals using nothing more than stuff that’s already in your freezer no buying anything extra!
  • Traveling on a certain amount, so your money will be limited!
  • Write a list of groceries you need to buy and attempt to purchase them as cheaply as possible.