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TV Shows That Involve Casino and Gambling

Casino palaces are among the best places where gamblers want to reside for the rest of their lives. Even if you are not a gambler, you would wish to spend some quality time and have some fun. Gambling is not just a means of earning money but the core concept is entertainment. This entertainment element of gambling has been depicted in movies and TV shows many times. Some of us cannot ignore the fact that we have seen real casinos through the eyes of directors.

The casino and the cinematic world have some special connections. We have seen our favorite characters on the big screen as well as on small screen playing casino games. The last few years have given some of the best TV shows that involve gambling or casinos. Some of these shows might have gambling in the mainstream story and some show glimpses of casino arcades in exciting ways. Here, we are going to name some of the best TV shows that revolve around the concept of casino and some that involve casino scenes.

“Sneaky Pete”

“Sneaky Pete” an amazing crime drama which is created by Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad’s Walter White) and he also stars in it. The show is available at streaming platform Amazon Prime Video original and tells the story of a man who impersonates one of his prison mates after he is released. Giovanni Ribisi plays the lead role as Marius Josipović who also goes by the name of Pete Murphy. The show includes various scenes where the game of poker has been given importance sequence. You can watch this show on Prime Video and it has three seasons.


NBC’s “Friends” is a gem and even after 26 years of its first episode, it still entices people with its comedy. The finale episodes of season 5 were set in Las Vegas (“The One in Vegas”) and these two episodes are still favorites of the fans. The marriage of Ross and Rachel, the engagement of Chandler and Monica at the betting table of the casino, and Joey found his identical hand twin are among the highlights of these casino sequences of the episodes.

But one of the funny scenes was where an old lady was stalking Phoebe in the casino so she can take the seat after Phoebe at the slot machine to earn more money. Well, this was a mythical sequence as slot machines don’t work that way and modern online slot machines offer even more fair and realistic gambling experience without waiting for the machines like that prowler lady. Players would find many reliable slots online at Wink Slots. According to Wink Slots, these are the best online casino games where players can find games like slots and many others as well.

“The Office”

Another very popular sitcom from NBC is “The Office.” Steve Carrell as Michael Scott would make you fall in love with this show and all of his colleagues. The finale episode of season 2 is titled “Casino Night,” where Michael arranged a casino game night in the warehouse and converted it into a casino for the night. The purpose of the casino night to raise charity money but you will get some ideas about who you can arrange a casino night at your home. In the episode, some characters show their skills in gambling and our Dwight Schrute wins a game of dice. (spoiler alert) Jim tells Pam that he loves and she rejects him. The casino episode from this how is a really unforgettable and turning point of the show.

“Las Vegas”

The name of the show is in Sin City so, you would expect to see more gambling and casinos in this TV show. This is among the longest TV show ever shot in Las Vegas. This show tells the story of an owner of the casino who used to work for the CIA. The show stars big names like James Caan and Josh Duhamel. Las Vegas ran for five seasons (2003-2008) on NBC and was called after James Caan left. This is among the best TV series that involve casino and gambling in its main theme so, this shouldn’t be missed by casino fans.


This HBO show was, and still, is one of the favorites among casino fans. A series that was possessing the character of Ian McShane until he ended up dominating the series as a whole. Being the owner of a bar, casino, and whorehouse, the most logical thing was to see many of the characters given over to roulette, poker, and other casino games, both in their locations and in those of the competition. But this TV series with casino in its prime theme got canceled after the third season and that over time has become a cult phenomenon that has led to their return. The next story of the show was decided to depict in the form of a movie titled “Deadwood: The Movie” in 2009.

“How I Met Your Mother”

The main theme of this TV series is comedy but gambling and casino also take a very important part due to our favorite Barney. Up to two episodes are set in Atlantic City for the sole purpose of seeing Barney trying to earn cash to save the day. Of course, complex and confusing games impossible for viewers to understand. But these days, players can go and play many casino games at online casinos. We have mentioned the link of Wink Slots above where you can check the best casino games online.