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Understanding the Basics of VPN and Why You Need It

Whether browsing social media in public or using a streaming service in a country with content restrictions, VPNs have become essential for online safety. But what exactly does a VPN do, and why should you use it?

A VPN creates an encryption tunnel between your device and the remote server. This means anyone trying to snoop on your data will only see a jumble of code.


VPNs use encryption to secure network connections and reduce the risk of data leaks. This makes them critical to IT security, especially for business employees working remotely or traveling.

The encryption method used by a VPN involves multiple steps. First, the VPN client and server exchange authentication information to ensure they are communicating with each other. Next, the VPN encrypts each packet of data transmitted over the Internet. This encryption prevents anyone from intercepting the data and reading it. This includes your ISP, government agencies, or hackers.

Once the data is encrypted, it is sent to your device via a tunnel from the VPN server. When the VPN client receives the data, it decrypts and sends it to your computer or mobile device. This allows you to browse the web without leaving behind a digital fingerprint that could reveal your identity or browsing history.

In addition to protecting your data, the best VPN services offer strict no-log policies. This means the company won’t retain your personal or business data. This is particularly important as you move your business into a more digital and remote workspace. This also helps to protect your business from data breaches that can occur in public Wi-Fi networks. It also helps prevent employees from connecting to unsecured networks that expose corporate data to outside attackers.


So, what is a VPN used for? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and the Internet. This tunnel is created by authenticating the device and encrypting the data packets sent and received. This ensures only you and the VPN provider can access the information traveling over the tunnel. The encryption is accomplished by encapsulating each data packet inside another one, making it more difficult to decipher in transit.

This is important because it keeps hackers, cybercriminals, and third parties from spying on your data as it travels over the Internet. It also prevents the government and large corporations from tracking you. For example, if you shop for flights or hotels, companies often track your online behavior and use it to discriminate against you by raising prices. VPNs cloak your identity so you can avoid this type of pricing discrimination.

In addition, a VPN can bypass firewalls at work or school and those imposed by governments in repressive countries. It can also protect you while using public Wi-Fi by ensuring secure connections. Just make sure you choose a VPN service that puts your privacy as its top priority. You should always check the VPN’s data usage and storage policies to be sure they do not keep logs of your activity or share them with third parties.


When you use a VPN, your data is encrypted. This means that only the server you’re connecting to can decrypt it. Anyone else can’t read your personal information, which is good if you’re concerned about how your online activities might be tracked and used by advertisers or cyber criminals.

The right VPN provider will keep its servers secure with tunneling and encryption. This keeps your private data private, even when connected to public Wi-Fi or a cellular network.

It also prevents your internet service provider (ISP) from seeing your online activity. ISPs can sell your data to advertisers, the police or government, and other third parties, which opens you up to surveillance.

If your ISP knows that you buy a lot of certain products, it might sell that information to the product manufacturer so that the product’s price goes up for you. A VPN protects you from this type of price discrimination, too.

VPNs can also help bypass censorship and restrictions by making it appear like you are visiting the website from another country. This is possible because a VPN connects your device to another computer on the Internet, often located in a different country. This allows you to access websites and services unavailable in your home country.


The VPN’s tunneling and encryption processes make it hard for third parties to read data in transit. When you use a VPN, your device and server exchange encryption keys through a secure handshake. When you visit a website, your device sends information about the request to the VPN server, which encrypts the data before sending it out so only the web server can read it. Then the server sends a new packet of encrypted data to your device, which your device decrypts.

Using a VPN can hide your location from content providers and online advertisers. This can be a lifesaver when traveling, as some sites use your IP address to guess what country you’re in and then charge you based on your demographic location. A VPN can also protect you from price discrimination, where companies charge higher prices for certain users based on their behavior, including past purchases and browsing history.

Despite the security benefits, there are downsides to using a VPN. For example, it can slow down your internet connection because the VPN creates a separate virtual network that must be managed independently of the local network, which takes up bandwidth. Additionally, VPNs aren’t immune to malware and other cyber attacks. However, for most people, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. And with various VPN apps available for mobile devices, it’s easier than ever to stay connected and protected on the go.