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Vicidial is the Call Center Solution Marketers Have Been Dreaming Of

Let’s face it; running a call center isn’t easy. You’ve got a million different things to focus on every day. The one thing that you shouldn’t have to worry about is your call center software. You know, the nuts and bolts of your call center. The mistake some people make is that they don’t see the importance of why they must choose the appropriate call center software. The blind spot in their business plan is so big that it costs thousands of dollars in the long run. Why? It’s because the business owner has far too many other things to think about.

Don’t spend all your hard-earned money on call center software

Think about all the other things your money could be used for. You definitely need someone to answer the phone and to make calls. What if the money you spent on software could go towards hiring more people? You could put the money to better use than giving it to a company that creates software. There is a solution out there, and it’s been under your nose the entire time. The solution is an open-source piece of software that can run your entire call center. It’s a one size fits all solution for every call center that doesn’t cost a single red cent.

The open-source solution that will change your business forever

You might not have heard of it, but there’s a piece of open-source software called vicidial. It will do everything that you need to be done for your call center. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about incoming or outgoing calls, you’ll be able to do all that and so much more with this software. The most surprising aspect of the software is that you can modify it any way you like. You see, it’s an open-source, which means the source code is open for all to edit. You can make changes, use already created add-ons, or add all kinds of functions to the software. Being open source is the best possible solution not only because it’s free, but you can modify the software to do just about anything that you want.

How to go about using vicidial

You first need to do a Vicidial installation, which should come as no surprise. You need to install the software so that it can work. It’s not possible to run any software without first installing it onto a machine. After the installation is complete, then you add your VOIP service. Having a call center is so inexpensive these days because VOIP services are so cheap. All of your calls are placed over the internet, and they cost a fraction of what they would using traditional landlines. It doesn’t matter where your callers are calling from in the world, they can connect with you using VOIP, and they won’t know that you’re not where they are calling from.

Install the software, put your operators to work, and satisfy customers

Who knew that success in the call center world could be so simple? It’s super easy, and it’s all thanks to this piece of software. You’ll use the software every day, and there are rarely any problems. If you’ve ever run a call center before, then you know how many problems can arise on any given day. That won’t be a problem here. The last thing you’ll have to worry about is the software since it’s rock solid. All of your time and energy will be put directly on satisfying customers. Never has there been such an awesome solution that costs nothing. The open-source community ensures that your call center will always have the latest software since it’s updated all the time.

You’re in good hands with vicidial

You’ve got so many things to worry about and so little time. Don’t worry about the backbone of your call center. Rest easy knowing that you’ve tapped into the power of open source technology that will drive your business into the 21 century. By choosing vicidial, you’re going in the right direction, and it signals that you’re putting your business first. Use the money you save to improve your office, and you’ll surely see a difference when everything is running smoothly. Vicidial is the top choice of call center operators, and you’ll know why that is after using it for just a few short days.