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Wanting to Upgrade Your Hosting Platform? Here’s what You Should Know Beforehand

Seven Key Points of Note

It’s not unusual for website owners to upgrade their hosting package, as many choose to start with the cheaper option of shared hosting and then as their traffic or business grows move on to a VPS, or from a VPS to a dedicated server or dedicated servers with 10gbps.

“In fact, as this need to switch to some point is so likely it’s sensible to plan ahead and do plenty of research so you can make the right decisions, rather than being rushed and missing out on the best possible upgrade deal for you. Hopefully, you will have more insight on how to choose the web hosting that meets your needs the most after reading this article.”

So, before you go ahead and commit to an upgrade take a look at these key things you need to know and think about first. Keep in mind, for good quality WordPress hosting, go to JavaPipe’s official website. They have a great service and support.

1. Are there any penalty clauses on your current plan?
Even if you are staying with the same hosting company the possibility of being charged an early exit fee from the deal you are on now is worth checking out. If there is one it may be worth hanging on until it is over, or looking elsewhere.

2. What are you committing to?
The best deals on hosting plans tend to come with a fairly long commitment, so think carefully – is it likely you need to upgrade again during the terms of this new agreement? It’s always worth checking out how easy it would be to switch again should you need to.

3. Are there any extra responsibilities with the upgraded package?
If you are switching from a package that was managed to something bigger that you need to manage yourself be sure you can handle it.

4. Is it possible to switch from another hosting provider?
This shouldn’t be a problem but it’s worth checking, especially if the upgrade is to a paid host from a free site. Find out if everything will be transferred, as in some cases say the content may be okay but you could lose any comments made on the posts.

5. Does a new hosting package offer all you need?
This applies to things like memory and bandwidth. If you are not sure how much you will need ask an expert, but at least check how much more you are getting in an upgrade package compared to from your current host.

6. Who will you be sharing a server with?
This is only applicable to anyone looking to upgrade to a shared server host package – but bear in mind that you may also be sharing IPs, and if any of the other sites are less than reputable your site’s status could be negatively affected too. Typically this means being blocked from certain sites or ranking lower in search engine results.

7. Beware of deals
They are not always what they seem! For example, a host may offer a free domain name for one year but then charge over the odds to renew it after the first year is up.

Upgrading isn’t difficult to do, but it is an important decision so don’t rush it, instead take the time to be sure the move is a positive one. For good quality hosting, go to JavaPipe’s official website. They have a great service and support.