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What Are the Best Uses for Digital Signage Software?

Digital signage software is a useful tool that allows you to manage dozens of content mediums across multiple digital screens. But in what contexts is this most useful? And how should you work to get the most value out of your digital signage software?

What Is Digital Signage Software?

Digital signage software is a type of software platform that allows you to coordinate content across a large number of different digital screens, including televisions in your lobby, monitors in meeting rooms, video walls, touchscreens and even your own website.

Features vary depending on what platform you choose, but most digital signage software platforms include elements of:

  • Content management. In one place, you can consolidate your content, writing new messages, pulling in photos and videos, designing data visuals, and even connecting to outside sources.
  • Content displays. Once you’ve consolidated your content in one place, you can choose how, when, and where it is displayed. You can also use localization features to display different types of visuals in different locations and at different times of day.
  • Scheduling and automation tools. You don’t need to do all the work manually. Thanks to digital signage software, you can use scheduling and automation to rotate your media files and showcase different types of content throughout the day.
  • Real-time data streams. One of the biggest advantages of digital signage software is that it gives you access to real-time data streams. Since it automatically updates screen information in real-time, you can display it to your audience without missing a beat.
  • Widgets, extensions, and add-ons. You can also modify your digital signage platform with widgets, extensions, and add-ons, augmenting its functionality and allowing it to connect to a wider range of other platforms.

What Are the Best Uses for Digital Signage Software?

So what are the best uses for digital signage software?

  • Real-time data visuals. Data visualization makes it much easier for lay audiences to understand complex data sets. Real-time data is exceptionally valuable, since it allows you to see trends and patterns as they develop. Together, real-time data visuals make it easy for even non-experts to quickly see and interpret relationships and trends. Whether you’re showcasing conversions on your website or shipping and logistics information, you can keep your workforce (or your clients) engaged with the latest information.
  • Branding and advertising. One simple, yet powerful strategy for digital signage is using it as a platform to promote your brand and advertise your best products. Simply displaying your brand’s logo and a handful of visual identity components, such as an electronic message center sign, can improve brand visibility and familiarity. This is also an awesome opportunity to showcase some of your latest products and services.
  • Motivational messaging. If you have digital signs around the office, a common application of digital signage is providing motivational messaging. Short quotes, inspirational photos, and profiles of successful employees can all motivate people to be more productive and reach their true potential.
  • News and real-time updates. Alternatively, you can use digital signage software to provide access to the news and real-time updates on important matters. For example, you can display the local weather or track stock prices.
  • Emergency communications. All physical businesses should be prepared for potential emergencies. If you have digital signs throughout your organization, they can be an ideal way to communicate with your mass audience when an emergency situation is unfolding. You can notify individuals that the emergency is happening or will happen soon, and provide them with instructions on what to do to stay safe.
  • Tips and tricks. In less dire situations, you can use your digital screens to provide tips and tricks to employees, customers, or other target audience segments. How can people get more value out of this event? How can they push their productivity further?
  • Scheduling. Are you hosting an event? If so, digital signs are an excellent opportunity to communicate about scheduling, especially if there are unexpected changes to your schedule. What can your attendees expect?
  • Navigation. Similarly, some digital signs are excellent for navigation and wayfinding, so you can help people get around in large, complex buildings. Whether on static displays or interactive touchscreens, offering directories and maps improves the visitor experience.
  • Streaming media. Is there a new short video you want to stream, such as an advertisement or a showcase of a new facility? Digital signage software can help you coordinate your broadcast across a wide number of different screens.
  • Social media connections. You can even use digital signage software to connect directly to social media. On screens throughout your organization, you can show off some of your latest posts, or show off what your customers are saying about your brand online.

As you can see, there are almost limitless ways you can practically use digital signage software in your business. Use your imagination and prioritize your most important business goals to see the best possible results.