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What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Ransom Attacks?

The best ways to prevent ransom attacks

Imagine that you are browsing through websites when suddenly a pop-up opens: “Encrypted hard drive.” Pay $350 if you don’t want your data will be gone forever”. Then a link requires user to pay in bitcoins.

In a panic, you think about the data and memories stored on your hard drive, as well as your personal or work documents. It’s like, you cannot have your data back unless you for the ransom. What exactly is ransomware? What is its principle of operation? How to avoid and prevent ransom attacks? This comprehensive document tells you absolutely everything!

What is ransomware?

Ransomware is malicious software that, once inside our computers or MacBook, gives hackers the ability to remotely lock your PC as well as encrypt your files. Then a pop-up pops up on which they ask you in the form of a ransom payment in virtual currency most of the time. The pressure of an alarming message causes some people to pay without thinking. This even determines the strategy of these hackers.

In addition, when the threat affects thousands of people, companies agree to pay for fear of losing everything. Professional PC Repair company Geeks Callout can save your information and clean your laptop or computer from ransomware, trojans or any kind of viruses.

How ransomware works

Ransomware is lurking inside an attractive file or program that arouses your curiosity.
Once you open or download the file, the ransomware is activated blocking your operating system.

We can distinguish two categories of ransomware: “screen lockers” and “file encryptors”.

Scammers prevent users to access your computer or mac by taking over your windows or macos. If your PC has attacked by ransomware means everything has been encrypted and your data turns into unreadable letters.

If you recognize the type of ransomware you are facing, you will have the opportunity to get your money back.

However, they are increasingly destructive and sophisticated. Nowadays, stand-alone forms have overtaken analog broadcasting as hackers combine and mix the bases of malware to create new strains.

Prevent and avoid ransom attacks

If you wish to protect yourself from such an attack, you follow the tips below to stay out of this dangerous virus.

  • Keep you Windows or macOS updated regularly. Any device connected to the internet works securely if the system is up to date. Antivirus virus companies as well as Microsoft and Apple regularly sending Operating system update to identify vulnerabilities and blocking backdoor route for cyber criminals. 
  • It’s important to keep all your favourite and most visited website bookmarked. Scammer and hackers build similar website that look alike to your current bank or financial institution website. User generally click on the link and without verifying enter login credentials which goes straight in the hands of scammer and hackers. Sometime visiting certain websites could also infect your computer with malware to take full authorisation of your computer. 
  • So, we always recommend to double check before clicking on any link on email or social media or comment section. Best practice is to mark you favourite website and visit them through your Google chrome or other personal web browser. 
  • Keep track of emails comes from bank: always check with your bank or financial institution before clicking on any of the link. Email from cyber criminals do use Trojans hidden in the email to hack your laptop or Mac. Best to avoid them and do not click anywhere without having it checked with your bank. 
  • It’s not difficult to learn to recognise if the email has come through from authentic source. Phishing emails are often sent by scammers to steal information from your computer like bank login credentials, email credentials and personal information. Scammer will on users’ anxieties and fears by suggesting if the ransom not paid, user would lose everything. 
  • Cybercriminals play with this fear to distract users from noticing common mistakes, like provoking topics and especially spelling mistakes. 
  • Keep your data always backed up at external hard drive or on cloud system like onedrive or dropbox. If you have been attacked by ransomware and has only one copy of your data, you might lose everything unless paid the ransom. If you have multiple copies, you will have the advantage to wipe off you PC and get rid of being scammed. 
  • Install an antivirus and use a VPN. 
  • Ransomware, in the face of the possibility of security breaches, hackers are sending new and more dangerous files to take control of your computer or laptop. However, you will need to download and install full antivirus software otherwise your data will remain vulnerable to hacking. 
  • In this same security context, you can also opt to use VPN. The VPN (virtual private network) will help you browse safely because your identity and location are end-to-end encrypted. As a result, no pirates will be able to trap you because in their eyes you do not exist!