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User experience design is a design approach that takes into account all aspects of a user-driven product or service. It defines how the experience of the user goes with the design of the service that you have created. User experience design is very misunderstood, people only know that it is used to create some very beautiful product designs, but they actually do not know the whole process that a UX designer has to undergo. Therefore, to remove your misconception about UX design and to give you the knowledge of what it actually is, we are writing this small article, where we try to cover every aspect of a UX design. You can also learn more at UI/UX design and development services.
What is a good UX design?
The question is very easy, but to answer this question is very difficult. What is a good UX design, can be different for different people, which totally depends on their individual perspectives? It very rarely happens that, the product or service you find appealing, the other person also has the same opinion about it. Therefore, the task here for UX Sydney designers increases because they have to design a product that is desirable by a majority of people, in order to do so, there are several components that they have to consider before delivering the final product.
From all the factors that remain there while making a UX design, we have pointed out the three determining factors on which the whole UX design can be based, these are as follows:
As a UX designer you have to keep in mind the actual need of the users, what product you are designing and for which use. The product, in all manners, should justify its usefulness to the end customer. If the design is all good, but it lacks its sole purpose, that is its usefulness, then the whole effort in designing is useless.
After ensuring that the design is useful, the UX designer also has to consider its usability, whether the design can be used easily or not. UX designers have to keep the design as simple as possible so that users do not face any difficulty while using it. If a user does not like any of the features of the product or service, then the business may have to take huge losses. Thus, usability is a very important aspect of a UX design. It may prevent potential users from becoming actual customers for the business.
- Desirability of the design
A user can find many products, offering the same purposes, which are both useful and easy to handle, but what makes them different is their appearance. The design should be top-notch appealing that the user chooses it over other similar products. A design that is livelier and a bit different from the traditional design tends to attract more people. Thus, a UX design needs to be unique and fascinating.
Tips to create an impressive UX design?
Other than the above listed, three important aspects of a UX design, here are some of the tips for creating an alluring UX design:
First, you have to understand that the product you are designing aims at which type of people and their demographics. It is important to understand the end user along with their need for that service or product, because it will help you decide the color theme of the product, how you may place the different components so that they work in sync and much more. Say, if your product is addressing the elder population, then it has to be very easy to use because older people are not usually comfortable in using modern technologies, or with the increasing age their eye sights may be weak, thus the labels of the products need to be of bigger and bolder size. Thus, the type of users your product is targeting has a great role to play in a UX design.
- Testing of the final product
After you have created the UX design, you need to take it out to test its usefulness, usability and desirability with the end-users. You need to see if your design is fulfilling the needs of the people if they are facing any difficulty in accessing any feature of the service or product and whether the users are attracted to purchase it or not.