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What the First-World is Doing to Fight Against Covid-19

When a global pandemic strikes, special measures need to be taken to ensure the safety of the public and the strength of the economy. Then, of course, is your health, prosperity and peace of mind, which is addressed through telehealth counseling and therapy at BetterHelp. In novel situations, such as these, everyone has a part to play in order to save lives and secure livelihoods. Social distancing, increase use of hand sanitiser products, staying indoors and stepping up personal hygiene standards are steps we can all take as a nation to prevent the spread of Covid-19 but what is the government doing to help? As well as a $20 billion cash injection to health care providers and economic support packages they’re also enforcing domestic and international travel restrictions in an attempt to contain the deadly virus. Continue reading to find out how these government schemes and restrictions may affect you and why they’re essential when it comes to staying safe.

Jobkeeper Scheme

In order to relieve a little pressure from the welfare system the jobkeeper scheme has been developed and implemented for Australian citizens. This wage subsidy reimbursement program will support employees, financially, in order for them to continue running their households and remain in their current role. Up to $1500 per month will be paid to employers of eligible businesses and then filtered to employees directly into their bank accounts. In order for your boss to qualify for these payments they must be able to provide evidence that demonstrates a 30% decrease in revenue and that this drop continued for a month compared to their 2019 figures.

Travel Restrictions

As well as creating packages and schemes to support the economy and individual finances, there’s restrictions in place to reduce the transmission rate of Covid-19. This virus shares a variety of symptoms with common influenza which, if you’ve been unfortunate enough to experience, are debilitating. What has shocked medical professionals all over the world is the rate in which this coronavirus is transmitted to new hosts. This is why heavy travel restrictions have been in place since the global pandemic was declared. By restricting travel and enforcing social distancing the spread will slow and the number of infection cases will decrease.

Moratorium On Evictions

In times of uncertainty and worry, nothing can be more reassuring than realising that, regardless of your financial struggles, that you will not be evicted from your home. It has been estimated that 1.8 million Australian citizens have been dismissed due to the consequences of the pandemic, and this number doesn’t include working holiday makers and international students who have been advised to head back home. For many people who have found themselves in this unfortunate situation, the question they ask themself first is, how do I pay my rent? A question that causes immense stress and anxiety. In March 2020 it was announced that there would be a temporary moratorium on all evictions for six months, meaning that tenants who were unable to fulfill their commitments due to Covid-19 could not be evicted.

Economic Support Payments

If you’re claiming a pension or currently receiving support payments then you may be eligible for one or two $750 one off payments. Because you won’t benefit from any of the other support packages such as the jobkeeper scheme, this payment was designed to support the upkeep of your household and the people living within it. It’s worth remembering that you won’t be able to claim this payment if you qualify for the Coronavirus supplement.


With travel restrictions in place and economic support packages for all individuals, it’s clear to see that measures have been put into place to support the public through this difficult time. By following advice from health officials and taking advantage of the support mechanisms that have been put in place it’s getting easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel.