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Why Does VPS Make More Sense for Smaller Businesses?

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) have more or less become the default choice for small and medium sized businesses on the web, and there are multiple reasons why. In order to understand why they are so popular, let’s discuss a few of the key points.


Quite simply put, going with a VPS is always going to be a lot cheaper than physical servers, but does it make VPS options more cost-effective, or will you be compromising on speed and uptime reliability on account of reducing expenses?

It’s true that a dedicated hardware server would allot your website with a lot more resources than a cheaper VPS service, but the thing is, most smaller websites don’t need that much power.

You will be paying a fortune for resources that you do not need, which would make zero business sense! However, they are not underpowered by any means, and the best part is that when your business begins to expand, the provider can easily reallocate more resources to your website on demand, which brings us to the next point.


The resources of a VPS are scalable, which means that if and when your website needs more server resources, the VPS provider will simply allocate the necessary resources to your site on request. This is why VPS is extremely cost-effective and not just cheap; it scales and grows with your business, ensuring you pay for only what you use.

If on the other hand, your site needs to downsize due to setbacks, scaling down is just as easy as scaling up!

Security and Reliability

Shared hosting was never safe and it will likely never be safe either. When you are sharing resources with other businesses, expect the following issues to pop up quite frequently:

*There might be resource hog sites slowing down your own website
*If malware affects the server, every website will likely get affected too
*If malware affects any one site on the shared server, the same can happen
*Site data and sensitive information is more likely to get hacked on a shared server

A VPS, on the other hand, is mostly unaffected by any of what was mentioned above, because your resources are dedicated and locked to you. On the off chance that your server gets hacked, it won’t instantly grant them easy access to your business website either.

However, reliability/uptime is still reliant on the VPS hosting provider’s service quality, so be sure to go through this list of the top five VPS providers first, rather than just choosing the first option that comes your way. Uptime is crucial to business and all those virtual resources and extra security won’t be of any effect if the service provider is not a reliable one to begin with.

A dedicated VPS server is also easier to handle and operate than a physical server, although both require technical knowledge about server maintenance. If that’s an issue, it’s best to stick with a managed VPS for now.