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Why Does YouTube Have So Many Ads in 2022?

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Let me guess. You are consuming a YouTube video. You are just in the moment, relaxing while enjoying a piece of content; forgetting about your troubles. And…poof…there is yet another pesky advertisement for a product you probably have no interest in ever buying. At least not now, and potentially not in the future. And, for a business, you have the option to utilize Youtube Converter to turn leads into customers.

Thinking back, you remember those days of watching one of the broadcast networks – ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox or The CW – where there seemed to be more ads than content. Then you think of the same experience at the non-paid cable platforms. Needless to say, what a pleasure it was, at least in the early days, to head to YouTube, and other video sharing websites, for a pure content experience.

Sadly, those days are over. And what you are seeing on YouTube are more 1) skippable ad videos, which you can normally skip the ad after five seconds; 2) non-skippable ad videos, which are the 15- to 20-second videos that make the viewer watch the entire video before returning to the intended video; 3) bumper ads, which play before and after a video; and 4) overlay ads. The latter can only be applied to viewers who are watching on a computer (which, of course, is very common). Additionally, many of these ads are now doubled up to increase the revenue.

The Finger of Blame

Part of the reason for the increased number of ads on YouTube is their partnerships. Naturally, the goal is to make money, and a YouTube partner is generally a content creator who wants to monetize their videos. Unfortunately, the “green” is lean if they rely on YouTube’s AdSense program only, and they must seek other alternatives.

Since many content creators who partner with YouTube work on their own personal brands, these individuals and companies will only make more money when they team up with another brand or a company directly.

What’s more, YouTube also now has increased competition from social media platforms like TikTok and Twitch, which has cut into the audience base. And, in today’s digital world, online advertisements are now successful ways for companies (and individuals) to market themselves and their goods. It is increasing in leaps and bounds.

A Potential Solution

While many disgruntled YouTube users now angrily refer to YouTube as “AdTube”, there is, alas, a solution via AdLock block YouTube ads that can block ads on YouTube on your Android-driven device. The end result: An effective ad-blocking option to remove pop-up ads, banners, redirections and ad trackers that show you promotions based on your past online behavior.

Moving forward in the world of YouTube (and other video sharing websites), advertisements will be automatically added to all videos regardless of whether creators decide to be a part of the program. It’s the nature of the online world at present, as the once stress-free experience continues to suffer as a result. But there are now solutions to block these ads, which as a result will remind you why YouTube, and others, were once a great option. If you utilize this valuable ad block resources, you can return to a seamless (aka “adless”) content experience.