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Why Lab-Grown Diamonds Are the Best Choice For Engagement?

Although the segment of lab-grown diamonds is constantly developing and man-made diamonds deserving better acceptance, young people are still hesitating to choose them for their Big Event. Experts consider that the reason is in the vague understanding of stones’ true nature and value. Indeed, Forbes confirms that many of interviewed people say that first what comes to mind when hearing lab-grown diamonds are “fake”, “artificial”, “unworthy” etc.

If your idea of synthetic diamonds is somewhere between mentioned attribution, you should read further. We are going to prove to you that lab-grown diamonds, as evidenced by lab diamond reviews, are the best choice, especially for engagement.

So, here are a few words about being “fake” or “not”

The answer to this question is unambiguous: lab-grown diamond is not fake, it is the same stone as natural diamonds. They differ by origin only. Technology progress that makes people’s abilities unlimited has brought the opportunity to replicate the natural process of diamonds’ growth in the laboratory. Both stones are made of the same naturally-occurred material, under the same conditions. Apparently, the identity of the processes could not result in different products. There is no magic, just science.

For those who used not to believe the words, we offer to go to any jewelry shop like retail chain and ask certificate for lab-grown products. You will be surprised by the identical evaluation system of 4C’s that is used to confirm the quality of both natural and laboratory-grown options. 

If both diamonds are true, why the price is so different?

 We used to think that cheap is almost always means low quality. It is not the case with lab-grown diamonds. They are indeed 30-50 % cheaper than natural diamonds but there is no difference in quality. Similar nature implies identical chemical and physical properties. The secret of low price is in the mass production that allows reducing production costs.

Thus, here is the first reason to choose lab-grown diamonds for your engagement

It is a rational choice that matters when you have a meaningful impending event requiring a lot of money to celebrate. The highest quality for an affordable price and, voila, you have free money for another purpose like wedding travel, for example.

One more reason – memorizing opportunities

Laboratory potential significantly widens possibilities in custom design. You can offer unique engagement rings with an exclusive one-of-a-kind design solution. There are no limits. You are limited by your imagination only. So, be free to dream and experiment.

One more reason – eco-friendliness

When building a family, you can not avoid thinking about the future. And this future can be safe. This safety depends on you and your ethical choice. Lab-grown diamonds are that choice. Requiring no digging the Earth and moving towards making the growing process as environmentally safe as possible, lab-grown diamonds are a truly ethical alternative to mined gemstones.

We guess these arguments are more than convincing but leave the choice for you.