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Here are Some of the Best Video Game Movies of All Time

The best video game movies are actually the ones that are able to capture action and the adventure without sacrificing the very heart of the game. If you are an avid gamer then you can easily find out everything you need to know about your favorite games right here, while also being able to uncover some hidden gems.

Assassins Creed

Assassins Creed knew that they wanted to create a movie that would show the eternal struggle between the Creed and the Templar Order. It stars the legendary Michael Fassbender and it’s a movie that is very impressive to say the least. It’s very parkour heavy and it pays homage to the gaming series without leaving fans disappointed. This movie soars far higher than you might think and it’s incredible to see how far it has come since it was first created as a concept.


The World of Warcraft is ready for Hollywood and has been for some time. It’s the best-performing adaptation of a video game and it’s easily grossing huge amounts of money right now. The film does do really well, and it captures the essence of online gaming. Of course, if you are an online gamer then you’ll probably know that there are so many new bingo sites hitting the market too. Could this lead to an interesting plot one day?

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat isn’t a GREAT movie, but that being said, it is able to capture the pure essence of what the game is all about. It’s got plenty of fighting and the film itself is just madness. If you are ever in need of a movie that is going to keep you entertained for hours on end then this should be the one for you.

Detective Pikachu

Ryan Reynolds, Mr. Deadpool himself stars in this movie. He voices Detective Pikachu and a lot of people were concerned at the time that they wouldn’t be able to do the games justice. That being said, they were quickly proved wrong. The movie actually focuses on Tim Goodman who wants to find his missing dad. He teams up with Pikachu in the process. There are so many jokes and this is one of the many things that makes the movie so great in general.

Prince of Persia

Jake Gyllenhaal playing someone from Persia may sound silly but if you watch it then you will soon see that it is a great movie. It’s one of the better representations of a video game out there and when you really get into it you will soon find that it’s got some incredible sights too. If you have never seen anything like this before then you should certainly give it a watch because Gyllenhaal does a fantastic job overall.

Of course, if you have never seen any of the above movies before then now is certainly the time for you to give them a go. After all, they’re all worth the watch!