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6 White Hat SEO Tricks to Double Your Website Traffic

White Hat SEO follows all the good SEO techniques and helps in attracting traffic on your website. And if you are using all the genuine techniques while promoting SEO, Search Engine will give preference to your website.

The White Hat SEO can be slow, but it is reliable. The websites that follow Black Hat SEO are blacklisted by Search Engines. Whereas, the White Hat SEO is given preference. But to opt White hat SEO for your website, it’s very important to approach a right SEO Company in Bangalore and also understand its tricks. And it is pivotal to find a reputable SEO consultant in the caliber of Daniel Foley. Also contact Toni Marino SEO Consultant for more expertise.

Here are 6 white Hat SEO tricks that Grown Up Digital follows and you can also use them to double the traffic on your website:

1. Quality Content:

To get more traffic on your website, use relevant content. Search Engine and target audience get attracted to valuable content. Also, you can follow trends to connect with all. And it’s not simple to write good content as you should keep the following in mind- length, topic, keywords, and links.

Also, you are advised to write long content as it will allow you to easily spread the keywords. Make sure that it has all the relevant information as no one wants to read out of the track information. And that’s what decides whether you are using Black SEO or White Hat SEO.

Content always helps in grabbing interest and that’s why you should add relevant links to it. When people will get attracted towards it, they will definitely click on the link. Good quality content can develop the page and make the entire website.

2. Satisfy the User Intent:

Search Engines focus on the content that delivers results and motivate people to search further. And this is what we meant by User Intent. Every change you made on the website somehow plays a major role in attracting traffic and improving user intent. From the layout of the website and images, everything allows the users to find your website using a search engine.

There are many techniques that help in this case. Firstly, you have to decide whether your users can find your website or not. If they don’t, they might not be doing it right. Secondly, it should answer all the questions, so that your user can visit it again. Things will become easier if you can connect with your users.

You can easily analyze your user’s expectations by checking what they are actually searching for. And by serving the same to them, you’ll make things quite easier. Make sure to provide genuine information as it an important part of White Hat SEO.

3. Mobile Interaction:

If you are not keeping the mobile interaction first, then you are not doing it right. In today’s time, everyone admires to open anything on the mobile phone and opening a desktop for them is quite difficult. So having a mobile-friendly website to attract traffic is quite important. There are many guidelines that one should follow to have a mobile-friendly website. And a few of them is to site content should fit well on the mobile phone, it should have display ads, have a genuine design. But luckily, you can easily do it in the mobile-friendly site.

Search Engines follow their own mobile-friendly site tests that help them to list a genuine website on their platform. Web design plays a major role here. Although it’s not a part of White Hat SEO, it helps in making your website user-friendly. And this is what users really want.

There are uncountable mobile users, therefore targeting them will be very beneficial for your business.

4. Focus on User Experience:

If you can fulfil your user’s demand, they will admire to visit your website again and again. And that’s where User Experience (UX) plays a major role. It is counted as a major part of white hat SEO as users will be able to identify your website, which will eventually improve the SEO of your website.

Whenever you are designing a website, UX should become your priority. It will help in improving the bounce rate and allowing your users to stay on your website without any interruption. Here, you are not required to be an SEO expert, rather you are required to think like a User.

There are so many UX guide available online, you can simply follow them and build a genuine website. And still, if you are facing any difficulty while designing a website, Grown Up Digital is here to help. We can guide you with some amazing White Hat SEO tips that will help you build a genuine website with proper keywords and design.

5. Keyword research:

Keyword plays a major role in White Hat SEO as it helps in attracting genuine traffic on the website. So you should not take it lightly. And Keyword research can be the best technique to find genuine keywords for your website.

But now, it is not as simple as it used to be. It follows a different Algorithm. Unlike earlier time, now Search Engine not only focuses on keywords, rather it focuses on how appropriately you have used it to create a meaningful website. Use appropriate, authentic and considerable keywords in mind that users are actually searching.

Keywords can decide the niche of something and it should be used in a meaningful way. You can research such keywords using the keyword research tools and make things easier for yourself. It should be done before designing a website so that you can spread all the researched keywords appropriately. So next time, don’t forget this important part of White Hat SEO.

6. Schema Markup:

Schema Markup helps in structuring your website data and let it rank easily on Search Engines. Every Search Engine adds this to their Algorithm and that’s you can’t ignore it. You should design the whole website in a structured manner and include relevant meta tags and title tags to it. And from videos to content, everything has it Structure to follow, so you should also do the same.

Search Engines and Target Audience, both get attracted towards the structured data as it easy to understand. Therefore SEO experts also advise you to follow the same. It is an important technique of White Hat SEO and you are required to follow it while creating a website and including data in it.

White Hat SEO has a bright future as it promotes genuine SEO that will be helpful in the long run. Search Engines also promotes it as it provides quality content and user experience. So you should also follow the White Hat SEO rather than going for Black Hat SEO as it is reliable.

If you are looking for a genuine SEO agency in Hyderabad that offers white hat SEO services, Growth Up Digital can be the best for you. We guarantee pure and effective SEO results.