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A Quick Guide on How to Build an Audience on TikTok

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In the United States, TikTok has 100 million active users each month.

If you want to reach out to those years and build an audience on TikTok, you may be wondering how you can wade through everyone else’s videos to stand out.

Thankfully, we have some of the best tips to gain followers, so make sure that you keep reading!

Figure Out Your Target Market 

First, you’ll have to figure out who your audience is. If you can find a good niche to fit your videos into, you’ll have a stronger following of people who are interested in your content.

If you don’t have a niche or any generic category to fit into, people will be confused as to what your account is for. If they don’t want their feed full of random videos, they likely won’t even follow you. Plus, when you know who you’re marketing to, you can attract more of the same people to follow you and be able to speak to what they want. 

For example, if you want to post content related to singing, you’ll want to advertise to people who would be interested in watching those kinds of videos. So you don’t want to start posting videos about making movies unless it’s somehow related.

You should also look at some of the popular TikTokers out there. You’ll find that they are really good at one thing and that they stick to it!

Use Trends

The weirdest videos will go viral on TikTok and increase how many followers you have. However, that doesn’t mean you need to participate in every weird trend that has gone viral. 

You should participate only if you can find a way to make it relate to your niche that we mentioned earlier. This is also a good way to limit your energy to only participating in things you think will actually be worth your time. 

Plus, it’s a good way to relate to everyone and share your personality and your take on the trend!

Be Consistent

When you do find your niche, make sure that you’re consistent in your type of content. However, you should also be consistent in even the littlest things, like using the same fonts, filters, and colors. This way, your audience will start to recognize and then remember you. 

If you have consistent quality, you may even appear on someone’s For You Page even if someone doesn’t follow you.

If they recognize your style, they may go to your profile and even give you a follow! Plus, this will save you time so that you know exactly what to do when you need to post a video. 

Post on Other Social Media

You can also gain followers on TikTok by spreading your content to other social media platforms. For example, many TikTokers post their videos on Instagram Reels.

Someone could see your content on there, find your username on TikTok, and then give you a follow! The same is true for other social media, like YouTube, Facebook, or even Reddit. 

Figure out who your target audience is and where they spend a lot of their time outside of TikTok. For example, the older generation spends most of their time on Facebook, where younger people might spend their time on Instagram. 

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to gain followers. Hashtags also tell the TikTok algorithm what your video is about. This means that the algorithm can categorize your video and send it out to people who are actually interested in your content. 

To help the algorithm, you should use about three to six hashtags on each video. If you put too many, you’ll run out of space for your caption, and you’ll attract all kinds of random people to your page. 

If you use hashtags that are trending, you can send out your video to reach a whole lot of new people and gain followers in just a short amount of time. 

However, if you want to gain followers even quicker, you could also buy TikTok likes.


When you engage with others and have people engage with your posts, the algorithm realizes that a lot of people are interacting with your account and will boost it.

Plus, when you work with other TikTokers, you can learn more about how to build a good brand. You may also be able to get exposure from their followers to gain some of your own. If they do offer to collaborate or help you build your brand, just make sure that you offer the same favor back. 

When you post a video, make sure that you’re also putting a call to action in the end. This can ask the audience to comment, like, or even share your video if they enjoyed it.

This can really help to boost the rate of engagement on your page. You can also take time to respond to people in the comments to really make your audience feel like you care about them, which will bring you more followers. 

Learn More About How to Build an Audience on TikTok

These are only a few of the most popular ways to build an audience on TikTok, but there are many more strategies you can try to build your personal brand! You can use TokUpgrade, which will help you to grow audience rapidly

We know that building a brand on any social media can be stressful and overwhelming, but we’re here to help you out.

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