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How to Design Stunning Websites That Provide a Great User Experience

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Creating an aesthetic, ergonomic and efficient website requires a lot of advance planning. In order to convert your visitors into customers, you need to make sure they have a good experience on your site. In this article we focus on defining user experience and we’ll give you some tips that will help you improve it.

UX vs UI: what’s the difference?

UX or user experience is the emotional reception of your site: this includes design, ergonomics, but also content and structure. The UI or user interface corresponds to the structure and zoning of the different pages of the website. Its purpose is to create a clear environment for users that facilitates orientation and navigation between different pages or elements.

UX design: building an emotional relationship with the Internet user

Knowing the user is essential for the UX approach: this is why, before even starting to work on the concept of your website optimization, you will have to define the target to which you are addressing. Meeting the needs of your users will determine whether they will have a good experience browsing your site and whether they will want to return. As you will have understood, the user experience is a global approach integrating marketing, design and even psychology practices which puts the user at the center of his concerns.

Simplicity and clarity

Ergonomics and simplicity are at the heart of a good user experience. That is why these aspects of your site are even more important than its originality or its beauty. Make sure that its tree structure is logical and transparent and that it facilitates smooth navigation. Customers must be able to orient themselves well and know where they are at every moment of their visit.

If you are in the process of creating a new website we recommend that you list all the products and services you offer first. Then organize these by categories and analyze the different elements to see if they should not be grouped or rephrased. Once you have organized your content well, move on to the tree diagram of your website: create a hierarchy by starting with the most global and going towards the most concrete.

User journey and usage scenarios

The user journey refers to the typical journey that a customer follows in his relationship with a company. In the specific case of a website, the usage scenario can begin with a keyword search on Google or by following a link or clicking on an advertisement or follow our link as following: 

It is important to imagine and test the different possible routes in order to:

  1. Identify points of contact
  2. Graphically represent the route
  3. Identify the quantity and quality of the information perceived
  4. List the emotions felt by customers

These imaginary scenarios represent a good strategy which will indicate to you the weak points of your website or your interface.

Prototypes and user tests

Prototyping and user testing is a safe and inexpensive way to identify potential issues before moving into development. This is particularly useful when you want to perfect a concrete element of your site: for example the checkout tunnel.


A good user experience is about offering simple, logical and concrete solutions to meet the needs of customers and to generate a general positive emotion as well as their interaction with your site and your brand.

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