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How to do On-Page SEO Audit for Optimizing your Web Pages

Web pages of your website build the foundation of your SEO performance. They speak and represent your website. So optimizing the web pages is like getting yourself smarted up for the SEO battle.

You might have finished preparing the contents of your web pages. On the other hand, it can be existing web pages for a long time. You just want to figure out their performance or why they are not doing well.

To do this task effectively and efficiently SEO service provider are using an on-page SEO Analysis tool. An on-page SEO checker gives you instant updates about web page performance.

What is an on-page SEO checker?

On-Page SEO Checker provides a comprehensive and well-organized list of things you can do to boost the rankings of your website’s pages. You’ll get suggestions for on-page SEO. It helps in meeting readability goals and backlink opportunities. This tool helps to optimize the existing content of a website. 

You can do an on-page analysis of a single page or the whole website for SEO performance. The inspection and suggestions of such checkers help to rank high on search engines.

It suggests important adjustments on your web pages.

Why is an on-page SEO checker important?

  • Improve your rankings

Have you ever attempted and failed to change the content of web pages in order to improve search results? Begin by fixing meta tags, internal linking, and increasing page performance.

  • Fix any SEO issues that have been discovered on the most popular landing pages.

Meta tags, content optimization, indexation, and page performance are all areas where problems can be found and fixed. Make sure your website’s most important pages are in perfect working order.

Users appreciate pages that are well-optimized and contain unique and useful content. To increase conversions and leads, fix broken links, improve navigation, and speed up website loading.
How to optimize web pages with the help of an On-Page SEO Audit?

The ultimate goal of every web page is to provide a great experience to its viewer. If it’s not optimized. Keep that in mind it will lose its appeal. Hence get ignored by many visitors.

SEO checkers give a complete overview to help you understand where you have gone wrong. It can help you optimize web pages by providing the following pieces of information:

Page Score

This checker tool will crawl every inch of your website to do the analysis. It rates your web page depending on different variables.

This rating helps you to see the webpage’s performance at a glance. Usually, 75% – 80% is considered to be a decent score for a web page. It will similarly show the number of issues found on web pages that need improvements.

The scoring below indicates that there is room for improvement in the contents of your web pages. The checker will show you the reasons why your web pages are falling behind in the SEO race.

Page Speed

Page speed defines how quickly your page’s content loads. It is the time that a webpage takes to load and come on screen in full form. This load time depends on the number of contents that it consists of.

Contents that consist of high-resolution images and videos take longer to load. An on-page SEO checker suggests how you can shorten that time. The tool will show you the Loading time and bytes needed to load the webpage.

If the results are not up to the mark it will suggest that the page should load fast. It will advise ways to achieve a shorter load time. That will increase page speed.

Page speed hugely impacts your web page user experience. 

Google has stated that Site Speed is the important signal to rank a webpage.   Furthermore, research suggests that when Google evaluates page performance, it may be calculating time to the first byte in particular. A poor page speed means that search engines can scan fewer pages with their crawl budget. That has an impact on your indexation.

And that’s why an On-Page SEO Audit helps to know about your Page Speed. You will now know where to improve your performance to decrease the loading time and increase the speed.

Multi-Screen adaptability

User experience is sensitive to SEO. If the visitors find the slightest discomfort on your webpage they will take leave without even looking at it.

And most of the time the discomfort comes from poor screen adaptability. The visitor might visit the webpage from any device:

  • Desktop 
  • Tablet 
  • Phone

Your webpage should adapt to their device screen. Adapting here means the user is able to see your content on their device screen. It is a basic user-friendly experience a webpage is bound to deliver.

By using seo report generator tool, you can improve your webpage adaptability on multi-screen. It will give a visual representation of how your web pages will appear on each device.

Keyword analysis

Keywords are the hidden gems of content. It helps the content to reach its relevant audience. That’s why the keywords have to be relevant and precise in numbers.

Too much use of keywords makes the content and webpage look too pushy. And it loses its appeal on search results. The on-page analysis shows the most important keywords rate on the page. You will now see the use of keywords on web pages and get suggestions if they need fixation.

Number of backlinks

Links build the trustability and network of a website. An on-page SEO checker reveals which links are bringing you benefits and which are not.

It shows the number of internal and external links that are attached to the page. It suggests where to get good backlinks. These steps help you with your off-page SEO.

Number of indexed pages

Indexed pages are like references. It increases your chance to appear on search results. A good source for B2B networking. 

While doing your on-page SEO analysis, quickly go through the website indexing issues. SEO checker shows you the index page numbers of your webpage. If there is any issue, you will be notified.

Title tag and meta description

Catchy title tag and exciting meta description draw the attention of the viewer. That’s why SEO experts always take the title tag and meta description task pretty seriously.

With an on-page checker, you can run an audit of your page title and meta tags. And can check how SEO-friendly those are. Based on the recommendation, you can update your title and meta to serve the SEO purpose.

For example, titles should contain the exact keyword in them. Without it, the chances of appearing on top will be less. It’s even better if the title begins with a keyword. These teeny tiny but important matters are highlighted on the checker.


URL is nothing but a unique identifier of your webpage to locate on the internet. It contains the domain name and detailed info about the page.

Though most visitors don’t pay heed to URLs. But it’s crucial to make it SEO-friendly. That’s why the tool shows feedback on your webpage URL.

It’s important to have important keywords on the page on the URL. Make it unique so Google easily identifies what this page is all about.

On-page SEO Analysis deeply analyzes your page URL to share recommendations about it. So you can make necessary improvisation on it.

Image Analysis

Image SEO is often overlooked on-page SEO tactics. But it is an important SEO factor that Google prioritizes.

The optimization of visuals on a website to make it more appealing to search engine crawlers is referred to as image SEO. Image SEO gives search engines more information about a visual. It helps Google interpret the content. It can improve search rankings and visibility. It can also result in an image being displayed in Google’s image search. On-page SEO analysis helps you with the Image optimization step.

Benefits of on-page SEO checker

All the above information, updates, and suggestions of page SEO analysis will give you the following benefits:

  • Strategy ideas:

With top to toe review of your web pages, you will get a clear idea of what to do. And knowing what to do is the first step of strategy building.

Plus the tool suggests your SEO strategy ideas themselves. It indicates how much potential your web content has. If pages are cannibalized by keywords in any case it shows. It guides you to achieve potential goals to get the best results

  • Technical SEO recommendations: 

Even many professional SEO service providers don’t know the latest in technical SEO. Search engines like Google keep changing their algorithms from time to time.

That’s why it’s quite tough to know all the insights of SEO. But a tool like an on-page SEO checker can display all the technical insights. It detects duplicates and plagiarism as well.

  • Page speed recommendations: 

I’ve mentioned earlier what page speed means and why it’s important to keep visitors hooked. These checkers can show you how much time web pages are taking to load. It suggests standard page speed and how to achieve that.

  • Promising SERP performance: 

All the functions of SEO are done to appear on the leading search engine pages. If you follow all the standards to help the search engine crawls find you only then webpages will appear on the 1st page.

SEO checker shows and suggests all the ways to achieve the top ranks in search engine result pages. It marks up your aggregate rating in SERP. You can increase your page visit if you add an aggregate rating.

  • Meaningful content: 

Valid contents are the bridge that connects you to the correct audience. There is no room to take content writing lightly in SEO. Only meaningful content can help you reach SEO goals.

This tool can assist to analyze the validity and relevance of the contents. It shows the most used words of the content. So that you can fix it if you want to avoid being repetitive. It increases the readability of your content.

  • Task prioritization:

Having an SEO service is not different from customer service. Like products, SEO services, and information might have different importance to different people.

Some might think content management is more important than others. Some might just get satisfied by managing the links. Who knows!

This tool allows you to prioritize tasks and campaigns. So that you can do SEO checks in your way. And it’s quite easy to use.

  • Better user experience:

Lastly, visitors are the king. As a web page or website developer, it’s your responsibility to make their experience smooth. If you fail to do so you won’t rank high.

If you can make their first experience good there is a chance that they will visit you again. You can add a google analytics account and optimize the user experience here.

In summary

On-page SEO checker is a handy tool to analyze all the corners of your web pages. The technical and professional suggestion that the tool provides is a bonus. You can decide whether you want to implement the suggestion or not.

Plus it gives you technical support and you can send them feedback. To make your on-page SEO checking a matter of a few clicks you should try using an on-page SEO checker.