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How to Get Rid of an Instagram Account Temporarily or Permanently

Today we’re going to talk about deleting an Instagram account, currently the most popular photo processing service, and publishing it. The tools and filters of Instagram make it possible to make a good photo out of an average quality photo and an average photo out of a bad one.

You can make photo collages and actively communicate with other photography lovers, making friends with their interests, getting inspired and getting approval of your works by other users. Nevertheless, the question of removal from the site for some reason arises before the users. What is the reason?

If everything is so good, then why delete from Instagram

Here’s why. A while ago, Instagram was an innocent social network for iPhone users to share their photos. But with the advent of the Android version and Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, it was a different time.

Marketers and PR people do not give peace of mind to users, trying to lure them into some new campaign and actively flooding them with ads. Another significant disadvantage: the administration of the photo social network reserves the right to use photos, including commercial, and this is unacceptable. The competition in this social network is quite strong. You can only be the first in this race if you have a lot of followers, views, and likes on Instagram. At Lowcostsmm – you can buy the missing services inexpensively.

People who do not want annoying advertising and the possibility of using and viewing personal photos by strangers, think about how to delete their page.

The good news: in order to do this, you only need a username and password to log into your Instagram account. Ready? Let’s go.

Method one for deleting your Instagram profile from your computer

  • Open with your browser;
  • click on the “Login” button on the right side of the page;
  • enter your username and password;
  • in your account, open the “Edit profile” section;
  • you will be prompted to change your personal information and the link “Temporarily block my account” at the bottom right of the page, yes-yes, there used to be an option to delete here, but now only to block;
  • Follow this link and you will be offered to choose a reason why you want to block your profile – you may choose from the existing ones or add your own, it’s a good possibility to say what is annoying you, by the way;
  • Enter your password, confirming you want to deactivate your account;
  • click on “Temporarily block the account.” Congratulations, you have temporarily severed your relationship with Instagram.

Method two, where you need to follow a direct link to the deactivation page:

  • Go to from your browser;
  • Enter your password and login, and you will be redirected to a page asking why you decided to deactivate;
  • Choose a reason that appeals to you, it’s not that important and is only for statistics;
  • Delete your page irrevocably.

How do I delete my Instagram page directly through the app from my phone or tablet?

Answer: You can’t. Trying to delete a page directly from your phone will not work, the application has no such function. If you “take down” the application itself, it will not affect the existence of your account – it will stay as it was. The still young, but promising service Captain smm – will allow you to quickly get subscribers or likes in Instagram, but not only. Also in YouTube, Telegram and Tik Tok.

You will have to go to the official website in a browser (better from your computer, it is more convenient), and use one of the previous two methods. From the phone use the browser and the site, not the app!

Notes on deleting your Instagram profile

It is now possible to disable and then resume your account again, as, for example, Vkontakte, it is real, Instagram has implemented such a possibility;

There is no way to restore the page after a complete deletion (the second way) in the application. If you have already managed to delete and now want to return to Instagram, you will have to start all over again. You cannot use the same email and name that you had before, get ready to make up new ones;

Everything that was in your account (videos, photos, etc.) is deleted from the service along with your page, so take care of keeping your dear works in advance! You can re-post them to other photo sharing services or keep them with you.

If nostalgia suddenly hit you and you think whether you want to break relations with Instagram at all, you can delete all your photos from photo service and keep your page. It is quite possible that someday you will still need it, and with deleted photos you will not be bothered by the fact that your photos “lie” in plain view or someone else can use them.

To delete a photo, you need to do the following steps:

  • open the photo;
  • press the “Menu” button under it (it looks like three dots);
  • select the “Delete” action and repeat the procedure with the rest of the photos.

Now you know what to do if you want to block or delete your Instagram account. Regardless of whether you “erase” it completely or just remove your photos and other content from the public domain, remember – social networks are there for you, not you for social networks. Do what you personally feel most comfortable with.