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Mobile Game Analytics: 5 Metrics That Matter

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If you’re a mobile game developer, you know that analytics is key to understanding how your game is performing. Without it, you can’t make informed decisions about what to change or improve to make your game more successful. 

In this post, we will discuss six essential metrics for understanding the performance of your mobile game.

1. Daily and Monthly Active Users

DAU measures the number of unique users who play your game on a given day, while MAU measures the number of unique users who play your game over a month. Tracking both of these mobile game analytics can give you valuable insights into the health of your game. 

For example, if you see a sudden drop in DAU, it could indicate that players are losing interest in your game. 

On the other hand, if you see a steady increase in MAU, it could mean that player retention is improving. Tracking DAU and MAU, helps you better understand how your game is performing and you can make changes accordingly.

2. Stickiness Rate

Stickiness measures how often players return to a game after their first session. A high stickiness rate indicates that players are engaged with the game and find it enjoyable. 

Conversely, a low stickiness rate suggests that players are not returning to the game after their initial experience—several factors influence stickiness, including game mechanics, graphics, and storyline.

There are several ways to measure stickiness. One standard method is to calculate the “retention rate.” This is the percentage of players who return to the game within a given period (usually one week). Another metric that is sometimes used is “average playtime.” 

This measures how long players spend on the game in each session.

3. Average Revenue Per Daily Active User

Mobile game developers are always looking for ways to improve their games and increase player engagement. Average Revenue per Daily Active User measures the amount of money that a player spends on in-game purchases divided by the number of active users in a given day. The higher the ARPDAU, the more revenue a game generates. 

The type of game, the pricing of in-game items, and the level of player engagement can impact a game’s ARPDAU. Developers can make changes to their games that will lead to increased revenue. 

In some cases, even a tiny increase in ARPDAU can impact a game’s bottom line.

4. In-game Purchases

In-game purchases have become a popular way for mobile gamers to get their hands on the latest and greatest content. However, in-game purchases can also be a source of friction between players and developers. Mobile game analytics is essential to ensure that in-game purchases are fair and balanced.

Analytics help developers understand how players interact with in-game content and what kinds of purchases are being made. Therefore, they can adjust in-game content and pricing to ensure that players are getting the best possible experience. Mobile game analytics can also help identify areas where fraud or abuse occurs.

5. Session Length

Session length tells you how long players spend in your game and can be a good indicator of engagement and stickiness. If players are only spending a few minutes in your game, it may be time to look at improving the overall experience. On the other hand, if players are spending hours in your game, you may want to consider adding new content to keep them engaged. 

Either way, session length is a crucial metric for mobile game analytics.

Mobile game analytics is essential for developers who want to create successful games. By understanding key metrics such as ARPDAU, session length, and retention rate, developers can make changes to their games to increase revenue and engagement. 

In some cases, even a slight increase in one of these metrics can impact a game’s bottom line. So, if you’re serious about mobile game development, pay attention to your game’s analytics. It could make all the difference in the world.