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Watch the Latest Evictee of ‘Big Brother 20’ Interviewed by Julie Chen

Spoiler Alert: If you’d like to watch the Thursday, July 26, 2018 episode and not know what happened on Eviction Night, please stop reading now.


July 26, 2018 was not only slated to be the fourth eviction night of ‘Big Brother 20’ but likely, the first re-entry of an evictee back into the game due to Sam’s Bonus Life power app being automatically activated.

However, a Big Brother win just wasn’t in the stars for this week’s evictee (between Angie “Rockstar” and Kaitlyn), who was evicted from the Big Brother house in a 9-1 vote, even after she had the chance to win her way back into the game — a puzzle in which she had to disassemble then reassemble elsewhere within 150 seconds time.

Get the full scoop as Julie Chen chats with the latest evictee — the first time in at least ten seasons that ‘Big Brother’ has done the interview package after the live show.