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8 Ways Marketing Professionals Can Use Videos and Improve Engagement This Year

Video content is quickly replacing all other forms of content on the internet. Brands and agencies have been on the front foot about this trend and discovered new and innovative ways to leverage video content for comprehensive engagements. Today, one can make an animated event invite in just a few minutes using a free invitation maker.

Video content is accessible because it is a combination of both audio and video aids. A viewer has all their primary senses involved with the content when they see it. And AI Text-to-Video transform any blogs, PDFs, URLs, or scripts into pro-quality script, footage, and AI avatar-led narrations.

Since the boom of high-speed internet on mobile phones, this medium of content has grown by leaps and bounds. It is much easier to engage with users using video since these are shareable, clickable, and hard to miss.

The visual content of this form has replaced simple photos and posters too. Since we are sure that we can drive more attention using video content, a combination of photos using a picture slideshow maker is a more popular choice than a bulky photo album. Even information posters for live-events shows or conferences & meetups; are now in video format.

By the year 2022, a significant amount of internet traffic, as high as eighty-two percent, will be in the form of videos and online streams. Even an individual brand or small business can make crisp and cost-effective videos using online applications. And you can use AI Text-to-Video to transform any blogs, PDFs, URLs, or scripts into pro-quality script, footage, and AI avatar-led narrations. One can use the pre-installed templates, drag-and-drop videos, and images to create a colorful video.

The shelf life of a video today is not more than a single view. Only a highly entertaining video can expect a repeat audience. With such short shelf lives and much shorter attention spans, the best thing you can do to churn out quality video content on current trends. Apply your personal brand touch on them and ensure the content is tailor-made for your target audience. Such videos can even be featured at key events, like this event in Singapore to effectively attract your target audience.

Here are the top eight ways in which a marketing team can use video content creatively. If done in the right way, they can bring quality engagements and lead generations to a brand.

1. Animated Posters

Move away from the conventional ways and step into animated posters. Instead of having a boring design that can be easily missed on the feed, use video loops or small bursts of animations instead.

The motion in a video will make your users stop on the scroll and register the content. If the designs are attractive, it might also encourage the users to share the same with friends.

2. Video Testimonials

A user review or consumer testimonials have been the bases of marketing for years. It is simple psychology- when you see the positive feedback from another consumer, you consider the product or service to be a hit. The same way we read reviews on an e-commerce website before we buy a product.

By using video tools, you can make these testimonials more than just a block of text. Get clients to narrate them personally. Additionally, you can also use text animation with audio.

3. Use No-Sound Video Wisely

The way social media applications have made videos presentable is by putting the default sound on mute. This means that on the endless scroll, all the videos will be silent unless they are clicked on to enable audio.

This can be played to your advantage by using the first five seconds of your videos wisely. You can also design the videos free-of-audio or use subtitles to drive engagement.

4. Use Video For Cover and Feature

With Facebook pages, you are given the option to use a video as your banner and as your feature. If done correctly, you can share more information in an attractive way, rather than using the space as an aesthetic filler. You can also use it to share the story of your brand, your body of work, or your key-highlights.

5. “How-To” Videos

Interestingly enough, the second most popular search engine today is YouTube. Since the boom of video content, we rely on videos to teach us more than ever.

Any user would like to see an instruction video, rather than read a long document or user manual. This can be used for your brand’s advantage. Understand what problems your brand solves, and make instruction videos surrounding the subject.

6. Event Highlights

When your brand holds an offline event, it only draws a limited audience. But there is a vast audience on the internet that can still be targeted at the end of this offline event.

Make a post-event-video to engage with the viewers who could not make it to the event. This helps your followers feel like a part of the community. It is also an effective way to build an audience that potentially would come to another such event in the future.

7. Written to Video Content

The average internet user today wants to put in as little effort to consume content. This is because they look at it as a means of entertainment rather than a source of information.

In such a case, long and wordy posts will get minimal traction as compared to an audio-visual medium. Using free editing tools, you can convert your boring written text posts into video animations.

8. AMA or FAQs

Make short videos about the frequently asked questions about your product or the domain of your business. And AMA or a ”Ask Me Anything” is an excellent way for influencers to engage with the audience. Since the audience sends the questions, they are sure to tune in to see a reply.

Using these simple tricks and tips, you can take your video marketing to a whole new level. The most significant catalyst to success is consistency.

The board idea is not to spam your users with videos but follow a strategically designed calendar of posting. Make the most out of the free software on the internet to bring quality engagements on your posts.

The scope with video is immense in today’s time. Make sure to use a video marketing strategy that will work well for you in the long run.